Source code for WORC.plotting.plot_barchart

#!/usr/bin/env python

# Copyright 2016-2019 Biomedical Imaging Group Rotterdam, Departments of
# Medical Informatics and Radiology, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import tikzplotlib
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from collections import Counter
import argparse

[docs]def plot_barchart(prediction, estimators=10, label_type=None, output_tex=None, output_png=None): ''' Make a barchart of the top X hyperparameters settings of the ranked estimators in all cross validation iterations. Parameters ---------- prediction: filepath, mandatory Path pointing to the .hdf5 file which was is the output of the trainclassifier function. estimators: integer, default 10 Number of hyperparameter settings/estimators used in each cross validation. The settings are ranked, so when supplying e.g. 10, the best 10 settings in each cross validation setting will be used. label_type: string, default None The name of the label predicted by the estimator. If None, the first label from the prediction file will be used. output_tex: filepath, optional If given, the barchart will be written to this tex file. output_png: filepath, optional If given, the barchart will be written to this png file. Returns ---------- fig: matplotlib figure The figure in which the barchart is plotted. ''' # Load input prediction prediction = pd.read_hdf(prediction) # Determine for which label we extract the estimator keys = prediction.keys() if label_type is None: label_type = keys[0] prediction = prediction[label_type] # Extract the parameter settings: parameters = dict() for n_crossval, est in enumerate(prediction.classifiers): for n_setting in range(0, estimators): # Extract parameter settings of nth estimator parameters_all = est.cv_results_['params'][n_setting] # Stack settings in parameters dictionary for k in parameters_all.keys(): if k not in parameters.keys(): parameters[k] = list() parameters[k].append(parameters_all[k]) # Count for every parameter how many times a setting occurs counts = count_parameters(parameters) # Normalize the values normalization_factor = len(prediction.classifiers) * estimators # Make the barplot fig = plot_bars(counts, normalization_factor) # Try making it fullscreen # Save the output if output_tex is not None: print(f'Saving barchart to {output_tex}.') if output_png is not None: print(f'Saving barchart to {output_png}.') fig.savefig(output_png, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0, dpi=500)
[docs]def plot_bars(params, normalization_factor=None, figwidth=40, fontsize=30, spacing=2): # Fixing random state for reproducibility np.random.seed(19680801) # Count how often feature groups are used ntimes_groups = list() groups = list() for key in params.keys(): # Check if parameter is a boolean if 'True' in params[key].keys() or 'False' in params[key].keys(): if 'True' in params[key].keys(): ntimes_groups.append(params[key]['True']) groups.append(key) else: # Only False ntimes_groups.append(0) groups.append(key) # Normalize the values in order to not make figure to large if normalization_factor is None: normalization_factor = max(ntimes_groups) normalization_factor = float(normalization_factor) # Needed for percentages ntimes_groups = [x / normalization_factor for x in ntimes_groups] # Create the figure for the barchart plt.rcdefaults() fig, ax = plt.subplots() fig.set_figwidth(figwidth) fig.set_figheight(figwidth) ax.set_xlim(0, 1) # Determine positions of all the labels y_pos = np.arange(len(groups) * spacing) ntimes_groups_plot = list() groups_plot = list() num = 0 for i in range(len(groups) * spacing): if i % spacing == 0: ntimes_groups_plot.append(ntimes_groups[num]) groups_plot.append(groups[num]) num += 1 else: # empty entry to fill up spacing ntimes_groups_plot.append(0.0) groups_plot.append('') # Normal features colors = ['steelblue', 'lightskyblue'] ax.barh(y_pos, ntimes_groups_plot, align='center', color=colors[0], ecolor='black') ax.set_yticks(y_pos) ax.set_yticklabels(groups_plot) ax.tick_params(axis='both', labelsize=fontsize) ax.invert_yaxis() # labels read top-to-bottom ax.set_xlabel('Percentage', fontsize=fontsize) return fig
[docs]def count_parameters(parameters): # Count for every parameter how many times a setting occurs output = dict() for setting, values in parameters.items(): output[setting] = dict() try: c = Counter(values) for k, v in zip(c.keys(), c.values()): output[setting][k] = v except TypeError: # Not possible to count parameters, remove del output[setting] return output
[docs]def paracheck(parameters): # NOTE: Deprecated output = dict() # print parameters f = parameters['semantic_features'] total = float(len(f)) count_semantic = sum([i == 'True' for i in f]) ratio_semantic = count_semantic/total print("Semantic: " + str(ratio_semantic)) output['semantic_features'] = ratio_semantic f = parameters['patient_features'] count_patient = sum([i == 'True' for i in f]) ratio_patient = count_patient/total print("patient: " + str(ratio_patient)) output['patient_features'] = ratio_patient f = parameters['orientation_features'] count_orientation = sum([i == 'True' for i in f]) ratio_orientation = count_orientation/total print("orientation: " + str(ratio_orientation)) output['orientation_features'] = ratio_orientation f = parameters['histogram_features'] count_histogram = sum([i == 'True' for i in f]) ratio_histogram = count_histogram/total print("histogram: " + str(ratio_histogram)) output['histogram_features'] = ratio_histogram f = parameters['shape_features'] count_shape = sum([i == 'True' for i in f]) ratio_shape = count_shape/total print("shape: " + str(ratio_shape)) output['shape_features'] = ratio_shape if 'coliage_features' in parameters.keys(): f = parameters['coliage_features'] count_coliage = sum([i == 'True' for i in f]) ratio_coliage = count_coliage/total print("coliage: " + str(ratio_coliage)) output['coliage_features'] = ratio_coliage if 'phase_features' in parameters.keys(): f = parameters['phase_features'] count_phase = sum([i == 'True' for i in f]) ratio_phase = count_phase/total print("phase: " + str(ratio_phase)) output['phase_features'] = ratio_phase if 'vessel_features' in parameters.keys(): f = parameters['vessel_features'] count_vessel = sum([i == 'True' for i in f]) ratio_vessel = count_vessel/total print("vessel: " + str(ratio_vessel)) output['vessel_features'] = ratio_vessel if 'log_features' in parameters.keys(): f = parameters['log_features'] count_log = sum([i == 'True' for i in f]) ratio_log = count_log/total print("log: " + str(ratio_log)) output['log_features'] = ratio_log f = parameters['texture_features'] count_texture_all = sum([i == 'True' for i in f]) ratio_texture_all = count_texture_all/total print("texture_all: " + str(ratio_texture_all)) output['texture_all_features'] = ratio_texture_all count_texture_no = sum([i == 'False' for i in f]) ratio_texture_no = count_texture_no/total print("texture_no: " + str(ratio_texture_no)) output['texture_no_features'] = ratio_texture_no count_texture_Gabor = sum([i == 'Gabor' for i in f]) ratio_texture_Gabor = count_texture_Gabor/total print("texture_Gabor: " + str(ratio_texture_Gabor)) output['texture_Gabor_features'] = ratio_texture_Gabor count_texture_LBP = sum([i == 'LBP' for i in f]) ratio_texture_LBP = count_texture_LBP/total print("texture_LBP: " + str(ratio_texture_LBP)) output['texture_LBP_features'] = ratio_texture_LBP count_texture_GLCM = sum([i == 'GLCM' for i in f]) ratio_texture_GLCM = count_texture_GLCM/total print("texture_GLCM: " + str(ratio_texture_GLCM)) output['texture_GLCM_features'] = ratio_texture_GLCM count_texture_GLRLM = sum([i == 'GLRLM' for i in f]) ratio_texture_GLRLM = count_texture_GLRLM/total print("texture_GLRLM: " + str(ratio_texture_GLRLM)) output['texture_GLRLM_features'] = ratio_texture_GLRLM count_texture_GLSZM = sum([i == 'GLSZM' for i in f]) ratio_texture_GLSZM = count_texture_GLSZM/total print("texture_GLSZM: " + str(ratio_texture_GLSZM)) output['texture_GLSZM_features'] = ratio_texture_GLSZM count_texture_NGTDM = sum([i == 'NGTDM' for i in f]) ratio_texture_NGTDM = count_texture_NGTDM/total print("texture_NGTDM: " + str(ratio_texture_NGTDM)) output['texture_NGTDM_features'] = ratio_texture_NGTDM if 'degree' in parameters.keys(): f = parameters['degree'] print("Polynomial Degree: " + str(np.mean(f))) output['polynomial_degree'] = np.mean(f) return output
[docs]def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Plot a Barchart.') parser.add_argument('-prediction', '--prediction', metavar='prediction', nargs='+', dest='prediction', type=str, required=True, help='Prediction file (HDF)') parser.add_argument('-estimators', '--estimators', metavar='estimator', nargs='+', dest='estimators', type=str, required=False, help='Number of estimators to evaluate in each cross validation.') parser.add_argument('-label_type', '--label_type', metavar='label_type', nargs='+', dest='label_type', type=str, required=False, help='Key of the label which was predicted.') parser.add_argument('-output_tex', '--output_tex', metavar='output_tex', nargs='+', dest='output_tex', type=str, required=True, help='Output file path (.tex)') parser.add_argument('-output_png', '--output_png', metavar='output_png', nargs='+', dest='output_png', type=str, required=True, help='Output file path (.png)') args = parser.parse_args() # Convert the inputs to the correct format if type(args.prediction) is list: args.prediction = ''.join(args.prediction) if type(args.output) is list: args.output = ''.join(args.output) if type(args.estimators) is list: args.estimators = int(args.estimators[0]) if type(args.label_type) is list: args.label_type = ''.join(args.label_type) plot_barchart(prediction=args.prediction, estimators=args.estimators, label_type=args.label_type, output_tex=args.output_tex, output_png=args.output_png)
if __name__ == '__main__': main()