Source code for WORC.processing.segmentix

#!/usr/bin/env python

# Copyright 2017-2020 Biomedical Imaging Group Rotterdam, Departments of
# Medical Informatics and Radiology, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from WORC.processing.ExtractNLargestBlobsn import ExtractNLargestBlobsn
import SimpleITK as sitk
from skimage import morphology
import scipy.ndimage as nd
import numpy as np
import WORC.IOparser.config_segmentix as config_io
from WORC.processing import helpers as h
import pydicom
import WORC.addexceptions as ae

[docs]def get_ring(contour, radius=5): """Get a ring on the boundary of the contour. PARAMETERS ---------- contour: numpy array Array containing the contour radius: int, default 5 Radius of ring to be extracted. """ contour = contour.astype(bool) radius = int(radius) disk = morphology.disk(radius) # Dilation with radius in axial direction for ind in range(contour.shape[0]): contour_d = morphology.binary_dilation(contour[ind, :, :], disk) contour_e = morphology.binary_erosion(contour[ind, :, :], disk) contour[ind, :, :] = np.bitwise_xor(contour_d, contour_e) return contour
[docs]def dilate_contour(contour, radius=5): """Dilate the contour. PARAMETERS ---------- contour: numpy array Array containing the contour radius: int, default 5 Radius of ring to be extracted. """ contour = contour.astype(bool) radius = int(radius) disk = morphology.disk(radius) # Dilation with radius in axial direction for ind in range(contour.shape[0]): contour[ind, :, :] = morphology.binary_dilation(contour[ind, :, :], disk) return contour
[docs]def mask_contour(contour, mask, method='multiply'): """Apply a mask to a contour. PARAMETERS ---------- contour: numpy array Array containing the contour mask: string path referring to the mask used for the final segmentation. Should be a format compatible with ITK, e.g. .nii, .nii.gz, .mhd, .raw, .tiff, .nrrd. method: string How masking is applied: can be subtract or pairwise """ mask = sitk.ReadImage(mask) mask = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(mask) mask = nd.binary_fill_holes(mask) mask = mask.astype(bool) if method == 'subtract': contour = np.bitwise_xor(contour, mask) elif method == "multiply": contour = np.multiply(contour, mask) return contour
[docs]def segmentix(parameters, image=None, segmentation=None, output=None, metadata_file=None, mask=None): """Alter a segmentation. Segmentix is a mixture of processing methods that can be applied to agument a segmentation. Examples include selecting only the largest blob and the application of morphological operations. Parameters ---------- parameters: string, mandatory Contains the path referring to a .ini file in which the parameters to be used are specified. See the Github Wiki for more details on the format and content. image: string, optional Note implemented yet! Image to be used for automatic segmentation. segmentation: string, currently mandatory path referring to the input segmentation file. Should be a format compatible with ITK, e.g. .nii, .nii.gz, .mhd, .raw, .tiff, .nrrd. output: string, mandatory path referring to the output segmentation file. Should be a format compatible with ITK, e.g. .nii, .nii.gz, .mhd, .raw, .tiff, .nrrd. metadata_file: string, optional Note implemented yet! Path referring to the .dcm from which fields can be used as metadata for segmentation. mask: string, optional path referring to the mask used for the final segmentation. Should be a format compatible with ITK, e.g. .nii, .nii.gz, .mhd, .raw, .tiff, .nrrd. """ # Load variables from the confilg file config = config_io.load_config(parameters) # Load segmentation and perform routines if type(segmentation) is list: segmentation = ''.join(segmentation) if type(image) is list: image = ''.join(image) # Load the image onvert to array contour_original = sitk.ReadImage(segmentation) contour = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(contour_original) if config['Segmentix']['fillholes']: print('[Segmentix] Filling holes.') contour = nd.binary_fill_holes(contour) if config['Segmentix']['remove_small_objects']: print('[Segmentix] Removing small objects.') min_size = config['Segmentix']['min_object_size'] contour = morphology.remove_small_objects(contour, min_size=min_size, connectivity=2, in_place=False) if config['Segmentix']['N_blobs'] != 0: print('[Segmentix] Extracting largest blob.') contour = contour.astype(bool) contour = ExtractNLargestBlobsn(contour, 1) # Expand contour depending on settings # TODO: this is a workaround for 3-D morphology if config['Segmentix']['type'] == 'Ring': print('[Segmentix] Converting contour to ring around existing contour.') radius = config['Segmentix']['radius'] contour = get_ring(contour, radius) elif config['Segmentix']['type'] == 'Dilate': print('[Segmentix] Dilating contour.') radius = config['Segmentix']['radius'] contour = dilate_contour(contour, radius) # Mask the segmentation if necessary if mask is not None: method = config['Segmentix']['mask'] print('[Segmentix] Masking contour.') if type(mask) is list: mask = ''.join(mask) new_contour = mask_contour(contour, mask, method) if np.sum(new_contour) == 0: print('\t [WARNING] Contour after masking sums to zero: not applying masking.') else: contour = new_contour # Convert back to ITK Image with correct meta information contour = contour.astype(np.uint8) contour = sitk.GetImageFromArray(contour) if config['Segmentix']['AssumeSameImageAndMaskMetadata']: print('[Segmentix] Copy metadata information from image to mask.') image = sitk.ReadImage(image) contour.CopyInformation(image) else: contour.CopyInformation(contour_original) # Detect incorrect spacings if config['Preprocessing']['CheckSpacing']: if metadata_file is not None: metadata = pydicom.read_file(metadata_file) else: raise ae.WORCValueError('When correcting for spacing, you need to input metadata.') if image.GetSpacing() == (1, 1, 1): print('Detected 1x1x1 spacing, overwriting with DICOM metadata.') if [0x18, 0x50] in list(metadata.keys()): slice_thickness = metadata[0x18, 0x50].value elif [0x18, 0x88] in list(metadata.keys()): # Take spacing between slices slice_thickness = metadata[0x18, 0x88].value else: slice_thickness = 1.0 if [0x28, 0x30] in list(metadata.keys()): pixel_spacing = metadata[0x28, 0x30].value else: pixel_spacing = [1.0, 1.0] spacing = (float(pixel_spacing[0]), float(pixel_spacing[1]), float(slice_thickness)) contour.SetSpacing(spacing) # Apply re-orientation of the image if config['Preprocessing']['CheckOrientation']: primary_axis = config['Preprocessing']['OrientationPrimaryAxis'] print(f'Apply re-orientation of image to {primary_axis} if required.') contour = h.transpose_image(image=contour, primary_axis=primary_axis) else: print('No re-orientation was applied.') # Apply resampling if required if config['Preprocessing']['Resampling']: new_spacing = config['Preprocessing']['Resampling_spacing'] print(f'[Segmentix] Apply resampling of image to spacing {new_spacing}.') contour = h.resample_image(image=contour, new_spacing=new_spacing, interpolator=sitk.sitkNearestNeighbor) else: print('No resampling was applied.') # If required, output contour if output is not None: print(f'[Segmentix] Writing image to {output}.') sitk.WriteImage(contour, output) return contour