Source code for WORC.featureprocessing.StatisticalTestFeatures

#!/usr/bin/env python

# Copyright 2016-2019 Biomedical Imaging Group Rotterdam, Departments of
# Medical Informatics and Radiology, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import os
import csv
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import ttest_ind, ranksums, mannwhitneyu, chi2_contingency
import WORC.IOparser.config_io_classifier as config_io
from WORC.IOparser.file_io import load_features

[docs]def StatisticalTestFeatures(features, patientinfo, config, output=None, verbose=True, label_type=None): ''' Perform several statistical tests on features, such as a student t-test. Useage is similar to trainclassifier. Parameters ---------- features: string, mandatory contains the paths to all .hdf5 feature files used. modalityname1=file1,file2,file3,... modalityname2=file1,... Thus, modalities names are always between a space and a equal sign, files are split by commas. We assume that the lists of files for each modality has the same length. Files on the same position on each list should belong to the same patient. patientinfo: string, mandatory Contains the path referring to a .txt file containing the patient label(s) and value(s) to be used for learning. See the Github Wiki for the format. config: string, mandatory path referring to a .ini file containing the parameters used for feature extraction. See the Github Wiki for the possible fields and their description. # TODO: outputs verbose: boolean, default True print final feature values and labels to command line or not. ''' # Load variables from the config file config = config_io.load_config(config) if type(patientinfo) is list: patientinfo = ''.join(patientinfo) if type(config) is list: config = ''.join(config) if type(output) is list: output = ''.join(output) # Create output folder if required if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(output)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(output)) if label_type is None: label_type = config['Labels']['label_names'] # Read the features and classification data print("Reading features and label data.") label_data, image_features =\ load_features(features, patientinfo, label_type) # Extract feature labels and put values in an array feature_labels = image_features[0][1] feature_values = np.zeros([len(image_features), len(feature_labels)]) for num, x in enumerate(image_features): feature_values[num, :] = x[0] # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Perform statistical tests print("Performing statistical tests.") label_value = label_data['label'] label_name = label_data['label_name'] header = list() subheader = list() for i_name in label_name: header.append(str(i_name[0])) header.append('') header.append('') header.append('') header.append('') header.append('') subheader.append('Label') subheader.append('Ttest') subheader.append('Welch') subheader.append('Wilcoxon') subheader.append('Mann-Whitney') subheader.append('Chi2') subheader.append('') # Open the output file if output is not None: myfile = open(output, 'w') wr = csv.writer(myfile, quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL) wr.writerow(header) wr.writerow(subheader) savedict = dict() for i_class, i_name in zip(label_value, label_name): savedict[i_name[0]] = dict() pvalues = list() pvalueswelch = list() pvalueswil = list() pvaluesmw = list() pvalueschi2 = list() classlabels = i_class.ravel() for num, fl in enumerate(feature_labels): fv = feature_values[:, num] # Remove NaN values fv = fv[~np.isnan(fv)] class1 = [i for j, i in enumerate(fv) if classlabels[j] == 1] class2 = [i for j, i in enumerate(fv) if classlabels[j] == 0] pvalues.append(ttest_ind(class1, class2)[1]) pvalueswelch.append(ttest_ind(class1, class2, equal_var=False)[1]) pvalueswil.append(ranksums(class1, class2)[1]) try: pvaluesmw.append(mannwhitneyu(class1, class2)[1]) except ValueError as e: print("[WORC Warning] " + str(e) + '. Replacing metric value by NaN.') pvaluesmw.append(np.nan) # Optional: perform chi2 test. Only do this when categorical, which we define as less than 20 options. unique_values = list(set(fv)) unique_values.sort() if len(unique_values) == 1: print("[WORC Warning] " + fl + " has only one value. Replacing chi2 metric value by NaN.") pvalueschi2.append(np.nan) elif len(unique_values) <= 20: class1_count = [class1.count(i) for i in unique_values] class2_count = [class2.count(i) for i in unique_values] obs = np.array([class1_count, class2_count]) _, p, _, _ = chi2_contingency(obs) pvalueschi2.append(p) else: print("[WORC Warning] " + fl + " is no categorical variable. Replacing chi2 metric value by NaN.") pvalueschi2.append(np.nan) # Sort based on p-values: indices = np.argsort(np.asarray(pvaluesmw)) feature_labels_o = np.asarray(feature_labels)[indices].tolist() pvalues = np.asarray(pvalues)[indices].tolist() pvalueswelch = np.asarray(pvalueswelch)[indices].tolist() pvalueswil = np.asarray(pvalueswil)[indices].tolist() pvaluesmw = np.asarray(pvaluesmw)[indices].tolist() pvalueschi2 = np.asarray(pvalueschi2)[indices].tolist() savedict[i_name[0]]['ttest'] = pvalues savedict[i_name[0]]['welch'] = pvalueswelch savedict[i_name[0]]['wil'] = pvalueswil savedict[i_name[0]]['mw'] = pvaluesmw savedict[i_name[0]]['chi2'] = pvalueschi2 savedict[i_name[0]]['labels'] = feature_labels_o if output is not None: for num in range(0, len(savedict[i_name[0]]['ttest'])): writelist = list() for i_name in savedict.keys(): labeldict = savedict[i_name] writelist.append(labeldict['labels'][num]) writelist.append(labeldict['ttest'][num]) writelist.append(labeldict['welch'][num]) writelist.append(labeldict['wil'][num]) writelist.append(labeldict['mw'][num]) writelist.append(labeldict['chi2'][num]) writelist.append('') wr.writerow(writelist) print("Saved data!") return savedict