Source code for WORC.processing.preprocessing

#!/usr/bin/env python

# Copyright 2017-2020 Biomedical Imaging Group Rotterdam, Departments of
# Medical Informatics and Radiology, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import SimpleITK as sitk
import pydicom
import WORC.IOparser.config_preprocessing as config_io
import os
from WORC.processing.segmentix import dilate_contour
from WORC.processing import helpers as h
import numpy as np
import WORC.addexceptions as ae

[docs]def preprocess(imagefile, config, metadata=None, mask=None): """Apply preprocessing to an image to prepare it for feture extration.""" # Read the config, image and if given masks and metadata config = config_io.load_config(config) image = sitk.ReadImage(imagefile) if metadata is not None: metadata = pydicom.read_file(metadata) if mask is not None: mask = sitk.ReadImage(mask) # Convert image to Hounsfield units if type is CT image_type = config['ImageFeatures']['image_type'] # NOTE: We only do this if the input is a DICOM folder if 'CT' in image_type and not os.path.isfile(imagefile): print('Converting intensity to Hounsfield units.') image = image*metadata.RescaleSlope +\ metadata.RescaleIntercept # Apply bias correction if config['Preprocessing']['BiasCorrection']: print('Apply bias correction.') usemask = config['Preprocessing']['BiasCorrection_Mask'] image = bias_correct_image(img=image, usemask=usemask) else: print('No bias correction was applied.') # Detect incorrect spacings if config['Preprocessing']['CheckSpacing']: if metadata is None: raise ae.WORCValueError('When correcting for spacing, you need to input metadata.') if image.GetSpacing() == (1, 1, 1): print('Detected 1x1x1 spacing, overwriting with DICOM metadata.') slice_thickness = metadata[0x18, 0x50].value pixel_spacing = metadata[0x28, 0x30].value spacing = (float(pixel_spacing[0]), float(pixel_spacing[1]), float(slice_thickness)) image.SetSpacing(spacing) else: print('No spacing checking was applied.') # Apply clipping if config['Preprocessing']['Clipping']: range = config['Preprocessing']['Clipping_Range'] print(f'Apply clipping to range {range}.') image = clip_image(image=image, lowerbound=range[0], upperbound=range[1]) else: print('No clipping was applied.') # Apply normalization if config['Preprocessing']['Normalize']: method = config['Preprocessing']['Method'] normalize = config['Preprocessing']['Normalize_ROI'] dilate = config['Preprocessing']['ROIdilate'] radius = config['Preprocessing']['ROIdilateradius'] ROIDetermine = config['Preprocessing']['ROIDetermine'] samemetadata = config['General']['AssumeSameImageAndMaskMetadata'] image = normalize_image(image=image, mask=mask, method=method, Normalize_ROI=normalize, Dilate_ROI=dilate, ROI_dilate_radius=radius, ROIDetermine=ROIDetermine, AssumeSameImageAndMaskMetadata=samemetadata) else: print('No normalization was applied.') # Apply re-orientation of the image if config['Preprocessing']['CheckOrientation']: primary_axis = config['Preprocessing']['OrientationPrimaryAxis'] print(f'Apply re-orientation of image to {primary_axis} if required.') image = h.transpose_image(image=image, primary_axis=primary_axis) else: print('No re-orientation was applied.') # Apply resampling if config['Preprocessing']['Resampling']: new_spacing = config['Preprocessing']['Resampling_spacing'] print(f'Apply resampling of image to spacing {new_spacing}.') image = h.resample_image(image=image, new_spacing=new_spacing, interpolator=sitk.sitkBSpline) else: print('No resampling was applied.') return image
[docs]def bias_correct_image(img, usemask=False): # print('working on N4') initial_img = img # Cast to float to enable bias correction to be used image = sitk.Cast(img, sitk.sitkFloat64) # Set zeroes to a small number to prevent division by zero image = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(image) image[image == 0] = np.finfo(float).eps image = sitk.GetImageFromArray(image) image.CopyInformation(initial_img) if usemask: maskImage = sitk.OtsuThreshold(image, 0, 1) # apply image bias correction using N4 bias correction corrector = sitk.N4BiasFieldCorrectionImageFilter() if usemask: corrected_image = corrector.Execute(image, maskImage) else: corrected_image = corrector.Execute(image) return corrected_image
[docs]def clip_image(image, lowerbound=-1000.0, upperbound=3000.0): """Clip intensity range of an image. Parameters image: ITK Image Image to normalize lowerbound: float, default -1000.0 lower bound of clipping range upperbound: float, default 3000.0 lower bound of clipping range Returns ------- image : ITK Image Output image. """ # Create clamping filter for clipping and set variables filter = sitk.ClampImageFilter() filter.SetLowerBound(lowerbound) filter.SetUpperBound(upperbound) # Execute clipped_image = filter.Execute(image) return clipped_image
[docs]def normalize_image(image, mask=None, method='z_score', Normalize_ROI='Full', Dilate_ROI='True', ROI_dilate_radius=5, ROIDetermine='Provided', AssumeSameImageAndMaskMetadata=True): """Apply normalization to an image. Parameters ---------- image: ITK Image Image to normalize mask: None or ITK Image Optional: mask to be used for normalization method: string, default z_score Method to be used for normalization. Normalize_ROI: string, default Full ROI to use for normalization Dilate_ROI: string, default True Whether to dilate the ROI or not ROI_dilate_radius: int, default 5 Radius to use for ROI dilation. ROIDetermine: string, default provided Whether mask is used as ROI or it is determined, e.g. through Otsu. AssumeSameImageAndMaskMetadata: boolean If True, copy metadata from image to mask. Returns ------- image : ITK Image Output image. """ if Normalize_ROI == 'Full': print('Apply z-scoring on full image.') image = sitk.Normalize(image) elif Normalize_ROI == 'True': print('Apply scaling of image based on a Region Of Interest.') # Dilate the mask if required if Dilate_ROI == 'True': radius = ROI_dilate_radius print(f"Dilating ROI with radius {radius}.") mask = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(mask) mask = dilate_contour(mask, radius) mask = mask.astype(np.uint8) mask = sitk.GetImageFromArray(mask) if mask is None: if ROIDetermine: raise IOError('Mask input required for ROI normalization.') elif ROIDetermine == 'Otsu': mask = 1 - sitk.OtsuThreshold(image) else: raise IOError(f"{ROIDetermine} is not a valid method!") else: if method == 'z_score': print('Apply scaling using z-scoring based on the ROI') # Cast to float to allow proper processing image = sitk.Cast(image, 9) mask = sitk.Cast(mask, 0) LabelFilter = sitk.LabelStatisticsImageFilter() try: LabelFilter.Execute(image, mask) except RuntimeError as e: if AssumeSameImageAndMaskMetadata: print(f'[WORC Warning] error: {e}.') print(f'[WORC Warning] Assuming image and mask have same metadata.') mask.CopyInformation(image) LabelFilter.Execute(image, mask) else: raise RuntimeError(e) ROI_mean = LabelFilter.GetMean(1) ROI_std = LabelFilter.GetSigma(1) image = sitk.ShiftScale(image, shift=-ROI_mean, scale=1.0/ROI_std) elif method == 'minmed': print('Apply scaling using the minimum and median of the ROI') image = sitk.Cast(image, 9) mask = sitk.Cast(mask, 0) LabelFilter = sitk.LabelStatisticsImageFilter() try: LabelFilter.Execute(image, mask) except RuntimeError as e: if AssumeSameImageAndMaskMetadata: print(f'[WORC Warning] error: {e}.') print(f'[WORC Warning] Assuming image and mask have same metadata.') mask.CopyInformation(image) LabelFilter.Execute(image, mask) else: raise RuntimeError(e) ROI_median = LabelFilter.GetMedian(1) ROI_minimum = LabelFilter.GetMinimum(1) image = sitk.ShiftScale(image, shift=-ROI_minimum, scale=0.5/ROI_median) return image