Source code for WORC.classification.AdvancedSampler

#!/usr/bin/env python

# Copyright 2016-2020 Biomedical Imaging Group Rotterdam, Departments of
# Medical Informatics and Radiology, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from sklearn.utils import check_random_state
import numpy as np
import six
from ghalton import Halton
# from sobol_seq import i4_sobol_generate as Sobol
import scipy
from scipy.stats import uniform
import math

[docs]class log_uniform():
[docs] def __init__(self, loc=-1, scale=0, base=10): self.loc = loc self.scale = scale self.base = base self.uniform_dist = uniform(loc=self.loc, scale=self.scale)
[docs] def rvs(self, size=None, random_state=None): if size is None: return np.power(self.base, self.uniform_dist.rvs(random_state=random_state)) else: return np.power(self.base, self.uniform_dist.rvs(size=size, random_state=random_state))
[docs]class discrete_uniform():
[docs] def __init__(self, loc=-1, scale=0): self.loc = loc self.scale = scale self.uniform_dist = uniform(loc=self.loc, scale=self.scale)
[docs] def rvs(self, size=None, random_state=None): if size is None: return int(self.uniform_dist.rvs(random_state=random_state)) else: return int(self.uniform_dist.rvs(size=size, random_state=random_state))
[docs]class boolean_uniform(): ''' Uniform distribution thresholded at a certain value to output booleans. Note: as Booleans cannot be saved in JSOn, which WORC later does, this object returns strings. '''
[docs] def __init__(self, loc=0, scale=1, threshold=0.5): self.loc = loc self.scale = scale self.threshold = threshold self.uniform_dist = uniform(loc=self.loc, scale=self.scale)
[docs] def rvs(self, size=None, random_state=None): if size is None: return str(self.uniform_dist.rvs(random_state=random_state) < self.threshold) else: return str([k < self.threshold for k in self.uniform_dist.rvs(size=size, random_state=random_state)])
[docs]class exp_uniform():
[docs] def __init__(self, loc=-1, scale=0, base=math.e): self.loc = loc self.scale = scale self.base = base
[docs] def rvs(self, size=None, random_state=None): uniform_dist = uniform(loc=self.loc, scale=self.scale) if size is None: return np.power(self.base, uniform_dist .rvs(random_state=random_state)) else: return np.power(self.base, uniform_dist .rvs(size=size, random_state=random_state))
[docs]class AdvancedSampler(object): """Generator on parameters sampled from given distributions using numerical sequences. Based on the sklearn ParameterSampler. Non-deterministic iterable over random candidate combinations for hyper- parameter search. If all parameters are presented as a list, sampling without replacement is performed. If at least one parameter is given as a distribution, sampling with replacement is used. It is highly recommended to use continuous distributions for continuous parameters. Note that before SciPy 0.16, the ``scipy.stats.distributions`` do not accept a custom RNG instance and always use the singleton RNG from ``numpy.random``. Hence setting ``random_state`` will not guarantee a deterministic iteration whenever ``scipy.stats`` distributions are used to define the parameter search space. Deterministic behavior is however guaranteed from SciPy 0.16 onwards. Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <search>`. Parameters ---------- param_distributions : dict Dictionary where the keys are parameters and values are distributions from which a parameter is to be sampled. Distributions either have to provide a ``rvs`` function to sample from them, or can be given as a list of values, where a uniform distribution is assumed. n_iter : integer Number of parameter settings that are produced. random_state : int or RandomState Pseudo random number generator state used for random uniform sampling from lists of possible values instead of scipy.stats distributions. Returns ------- params : dict of string to any **Yields** dictionaries mapping each estimator parameter to as sampled value. Examples -------- >>> from WORC.classification.AdvancedSampler import HaltonSampler >>> from scipy.stats.distributions import expon >>> import numpy as np >>> np.random.seed(0) >>> param_grid = {'a':[1, 2], 'b': expon()} >>> param_list = list(HaltonSampler(param_grid, n_iter=4)) >>> rounded_list = [dict((k, round(v, 6)) for (k, v) in d.items()) ... for d in param_list] >>> rounded_list == [{'b': 0.89856, 'a': 1}, ... {'b': 0.923223, 'a': 1}, ... {'b': 1.878964, 'a': 2}, ... {'b': 1.038159, 'a': 2}] True """
[docs] def __init__(self, param_distributions, n_iter, random_state=None, method='Halton'): self.param_distributions = param_distributions self.n_iter = n_iter self.random_state = random_state self.method = method if method == 'Halton': self.Halton = Halton(len(self.param_distributions.keys()))
[docs] def __iter__(self): # Create a random state to be used rnd = check_random_state(self.random_state) # Generate the sequence generator if self.method == 'Halton': sequence = self.Halton.get(self.n_iter) elif self.method == 'Sobol': sequence = Sobol(len(self.param_distributions.keys()), self.n_iter) # Always sort the keys of a dictionary, for reproducibility items = sorted(self.param_distributions.items()) for i in six.moves.range(self.n_iter): sample = sequence[i] params = dict() for ind, (k, v) in enumerate(items): point = sample[ind] # Check if the parameter space is a distribution or a list if hasattr(v, "rvs"): print(point) # Parameter space is a distribution, hence sample params[k] = v.ppf(point) else: # Parameter space is a list, so select an index point = int(round(point*float(len(v) - 1))) print(point) params[k] = v[point] yield params # For reproducibility, reset sampler if needed if self.method == 'Halton': self.Halton.reset()
[docs] def __len__(self): """Number of points that will be sampled.""" return self.n_iter
if __name__ == '__main__': random_seed = np.random.randint(1, 5000) random_state = check_random_state(random_seed) param_distributions = {'kernel': ['poly', 'RGB'], 'C': scipy.stats.uniform(loc=0, scale=1E6), 'degree': scipy.stats.uniform(loc=1, scale=6), 'coef0': scipy.stats.uniform(loc=0, scale=1), 'gamma': scipy.stats.uniform(loc=1E-5, scale=1), 'histogram_features': ['True', 'False']} n_iter = 6 method = 'Sobol' sampled_params = AdvancedSampler(param_distributions, n_iter, random_state) for s in sampled_params: print(s)