Source code for WORC.featureprocessing.SelectGroups

#!/usr/bin/env python

# Copyright 2016-2020 Biomedical Imaging Group Rotterdam, Departments of
# Medical Informatics and Radiology, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator
from sklearn.feature_selection.base import SelectorMixin
import numpy as np

[docs]class SelectGroups(BaseEstimator, SelectorMixin): ''' Object to fit feature selection based on the type group the feature belongs to. The label for the feature is used for this procedure. '''
[docs] def __init__(self, parameters, toolboxes=['PREDICT']): ''' Parameters ---------- parameters: dict, mandatory Contains the settings for the groups to be selected. Should contain the settings for the following groups: - histogram_features - shape_features - orientation_features - semantic_features - dicom_features - coliage_features - phase_features - vessel_features - texture_Gabor_features - texture_GLCM_features - texture_GLCMMS_features - texture_GLRLM_features - texture_GLSZM_features - texture_GLDZM_features - texture_NGTDM_features - texture_NGLDM_features - texture_LBP_features - fractal_features - location_features - RGRD_features Also, should contain a parameter for selecting per feature toolbox: - PREDICT - PyRadiomics And a parameter to select whether transformation have been applied: - original_features - wavelet_features - log_features ''' params = list() if parameters['histogram_features'] == 'True': params.append('hf_') if parameters['shape_features'] == 'True': params.append('sf_') if parameters['orientation_features'] == 'True': params.append('of_') if parameters['semantic_features'] == 'True': params.append('semf_') if parameters['dicom_features'] == 'True': params.append('df_') if parameters['coliage_features'] == 'True': params.append('cf_') if parameters['phase_features'] == 'True': params.append('phasef_') if parameters['vessel_features'] == 'True': params.append('vf_') if parameters['fractal_features'] == 'True': params.append('fracf_') if parameters['location_features'] == 'True': params.append('locf_') if parameters['rgrd_features'] == 'True': params.append('rgrdf_') transform_params = list() if parameters['original_features'] == 'False': transform_params.append('_original') if parameters['wavelet_features'] == 'False': transform_params.append('_wavelet') if parameters['log_features'] == 'False': transform_params.append('_log') if 'texture_features' in parameters.keys(): # Backwards compatability if parameters['texture_features'] == 'True': params.append('tf_') elif parameters['texture_features'] == 'False': pass else: params.append('tf_' + parameters['texture_features']) else: # Hyperparameter per feature group if parameters['texture_gabor_features'] == 'True': params.append('Gabor') if parameters['texture_glcm_features'] == 'True': params.append('GLCM_') if parameters['texture_gldm_features'] == 'True': params.append('GLDM') if parameters['texture_glcmms_features'] == 'True': params.append('GLCMMS') if parameters['texture_glrlm_features'] == 'True': params.append('GLRLM') if parameters['texture_glszm_features'] == 'True': params.append('GLSZM') if parameters['texture_gldzm_features'] == 'True': params.append('GLDZM') if parameters['texture_ngtdm_features'] == 'True': params.append('NGTDM') if parameters['texture_ngldm_features'] == 'True': params.append('NGLDM') if parameters['texture_lbp_features'] == 'True': params.append('LBP') self.parameters = params self.transform_parameters = transform_params # Select per feature toolbox if toolboxes == 'All': self.toolboxes = '_' else: self.toolboxes = toolboxes
[docs] def fit(self, feature_labels): ''' Select only features specificed by parameters per patient. Parameters ---------- feature_labels: list, optional Contains the labels of all features used. The index in this list will be used in the transform funtion to select features. ''' # Remove NAN selectrows = list() for num, l in enumerate(feature_labels): if any(x in l for x in self.parameters): if any(x in l for x in self.toolboxes): if not any(x in l for x in self.transform_parameters): selectrows.append(num) self.selectrows = selectrows
[docs] def transform(self, inputarray): ''' Transform the inputarray to select only the features based on the result from the fit function. Parameters ---------- inputarray: numpy array, mandatory Array containing the items to use selection on. The type of item in this list does not matter, e.g. floats, strings etc. ''' return np.asarray([np.asarray(x)[self.selectrows].tolist() for x in inputarray])
def _get_support_mask(self): # NOTE: Method is required for the Selector class, but can be empty pass