Source code for WORC.classification.fitandscore

#!/usr/bin/env python

# Copyright 2016-2021 Biomedical Imaging Group Rotterdam, Departments of
# Medical Informatics and Radiology, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from sklearn.model_selection._validation import _fit_and_score
import numpy as np
from sklearn.linear_model import Lasso, LogisticRegression
from sklearn.feature_selection import SelectFromModel
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
from sklearn.multiclass import OneVsRestClassifier
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from WORC.classification.ObjectSampler import ObjectSampler
from sklearn.utils.metaestimators import _safe_split
from sklearn.utils.validation import _num_samples
from WORC.classification.estimators import RankedSVM
from WORC.classification import construct_classifier as cc
from WORC.classification.metrics import check_multimetric_scoring
from WORC.featureprocessing.Relief import SelectMulticlassRelief
from WORC.featureprocessing.Imputer import Imputer
from WORC.featureprocessing.Scalers import WORCScaler
from WORC.featureprocessing.VarianceThreshold import selfeat_variance
from WORC.featureprocessing.StatisticalTestThreshold import StatisticalTestThreshold
from WORC.featureprocessing.SelectGroups import SelectGroups
from WORC.featureprocessing.OneHotEncoderWrapper import OneHotEncoderWrapper
import WORC
import WORC.addexceptions as ae

# Specific imports for error management
from sklearn.discriminant_analysis import LinearDiscriminantAnalysis as LDA
from numpy.linalg import LinAlgError

# Suppress sklearn warnings
import warnings
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=DeprecationWarning)

[docs]def fit_and_score(X, y, scoring, train, test, parameters, fit_params=None, return_train_score=True, return_n_test_samples=True, return_times=True, return_parameters=False, return_estimator=False, error_score='raise', verbose=True, return_all=True, refit_workflows=False): """Fit an estimator to a dataset and score the performance. The following methods can currently be applied as preprocessing before fitting, in this order: 0. Apply OneHotEncoder 1. Apply feature imputation 2. Select features based on feature type group (e.g. shape, histogram). 3. Scale features with e.g. z-scoring. 4. Apply feature selection based on variance of feature among patients. 5. Univariate statistical testing (e.g. t-test, Wilcoxon). 6. Use Relief feature selection. 7. Select features based on a fit with a LASSO model. 8. Select features using PCA. 9. Resampling 10. If a SingleLabel classifier is used for a MultiLabel problem, a OneVsRestClassifier is employed around it. All of the steps are optional. Parameters ---------- estimator: sklearn estimator, mandatory Unfitted estimator which will be fit. X: array, mandatory Array containingfor each object (rows) the feature values (1st Column) and the associated feature label (2nd Column). y: list(?), mandatory List containing the labels of the objects. scorer: sklearn scorer, mandatory Function used as optimization criterion for the hyperparamater optimization. train: list, mandatory Indices of the objects to be used as training set. test: list, mandatory Indices of the objects to be used as testing set. parameters: dictionary, mandatory Contains the settings used for the above preprocessing functions and the fitting. TODO: Create a default object and show the fields. fit_params:dictionary, default None Parameters supplied to the estimator for fitting. See the SKlearn site for the parameters of the estimators. return_train_score: boolean, default True Save the training score to the final SearchCV object. return_n_test_samples: boolean, default True Save the number of times each sample was used in the test set to the final SearchCV object. return_times: boolean, default True Save the time spend for each fit to the final SearchCV object. return_parameters: boolean, default True Return the parameters used in the final fit to the final SearchCV object. return_estimator : bool, default=False Whether to return the fitted estimator. error_score: numeric or "raise" by default Value to assign to the score if an error occurs in estimator fitting. If set to "raise", the error is raised. If a numeric value is given, FitFailedWarning is raised. This parameter does not affect the refit step, which will always raise the error. verbose: boolean, default=True If True, print intermediate progress to command line. Warnings are always printed. return_all: boolean, default=True If False, only the ret object containing the performance will be returned. If True, the ret object plus all fitted objects will be returned. Returns ---------- Depending on the return_all input parameter, either only ret or all objects below are returned. ret: list Contains optionally the train_scores and the test_scores, fit_time, score_time, parameters_est and parameters_all. GroupSel: WORC GroupSel Object Either None if the groupwise feature selection is not used, or the fitted object. VarSel: WORC VarSel Object Either None if the variance threshold feature selection is not used, or the fitted object. SelectModel: WORC SelectModel Object Either None if the feature selection based on a fittd model is not used, or the fitted object. feature_labels: list Labels of the features. Only one list is returned, not one per feature object, as we assume all samples have the same feature names. scaler: scaler object Either None if feature scaling is not used, or the fitted object. encoder: WORC Encoder Object Either None if feature OneHotEncoding is not used, or the fitted object. imputer: WORC Imputater Object Either None if feature imputation is not used, or the fitted object. pca: WORC PCA Object Either None if PCA based feature selection is not used, or the fitted object. StatisticalSel: WORC StatisticalSel Object Either None if the statistical test feature selection is not used, or the fitted object. ReliefSel: WORC ReliefSel Object Either None if the RELIEF feature selection is not used, or the fitted object. Sampler: WORC ObjectSampler Object Either None if no resampling is used, or an ObjectSampler object """ # We copy the parameter object so we can alter it and keep the original if verbose: print("\n") print('#######################################') print('Starting fit and score of new workflow.') para_estimator = parameters.copy() estimator = cc.construct_classifier(para_estimator) # Check the scorer scorers, __ = check_multimetric_scoring(estimator, scoring=scoring) para_estimator = delete_cc_para(para_estimator) # Get random seed from parameters random_seed = para_estimator['random_seed'] del para_estimator['random_seed'] # X is a tuple: split in two arrays feature_values = np.asarray([x[0] for x in X]) feature_labels = np.asarray([x[1] for x in X]) # Split in train and testing X_train, y_train = _safe_split(estimator, feature_values, y, train) X_test, y_test = _safe_split(estimator, feature_values, y, test, train) train = np.arange(0, len(y_train)) test = np.arange(len(y_train), len(y_train) + len(y_test)) # Set some defaults for if a part fails and we return a dummy fit_time = np.inf score_time = np.inf Sampler = None encoder = None imputer = None scaler = None GroupSel = None SelectModel = None pca = None StatisticalSel = None VarSel = None ReliefSel = None if isinstance(scorers, dict): test_scores = {name: np.nan for name in scorers} if return_train_score: train_scores = test_scores.copy() else: test_scores = error_score if return_train_score: train_scores = error_score # Initiate dummy return object for when fit and scoring failes: sklearn defaults ret = [train_scores, test_scores] if return_train_score else [test_scores] if return_n_test_samples: ret.append(_num_samples(X_test)) if return_times: ret.extend([fit_time, score_time]) if return_parameters: ret.append(para_estimator) if return_estimator: ret.append(estimator) # Additional to sklearn defaults: return all parameters and refitted estimator ret.append(parameters) if refit_workflows: ret.append(None) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # OneHotEncoder if 'OneHotEncoding' in para_estimator.keys(): if para_estimator['OneHotEncoding'] == 'True': if verbose: print(f'Applying OneHotEncoding, will ignore unknowns.') feature_labels_tofit =\ para_estimator['OneHotEncoding_feature_labels_tofit'] encoder =\ OneHotEncoderWrapper(handle_unknown='ignore', feature_labels_tofit=feature_labels_tofit, verbose=verbose), feature_labels) if encoder.encoder is not None: # Encoder is fitted feature_labels = encoder.encoder.encoded_feature_labels X_train = encoder.transform(X_train) X_test = encoder.transform(X_test) del para_estimator['OneHotEncoding'] del para_estimator['OneHotEncoding_feature_labels_tofit'] # Delete the object if we do not need to return it if not return_all: del encoder # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Feature imputation if 'Imputation' in para_estimator.keys(): if para_estimator['Imputation'] == 'True': imp_type = para_estimator['ImputationMethod'] if verbose: print(f'Imputing NaN with {imp_type}.') imp_nn = para_estimator['ImputationNeighbours'] imputer = Imputer(missing_values=np.nan, strategy=imp_type, n_neighbors=imp_nn) original_shape = X_train.shape X_train = imputer.transform(X_train) imputed_shape = X_train.shape X_test = imputer.transform(X_test) if original_shape != imputed_shape: removed_features = original_shape[1] - imputed_shape[1] raise ae.WORCValueError(f'Several features ({removed_features}) were np.NaN for all objects. Hence, imputation was not possible. Either make sure this is correct and turn of imputation, or correct the feature.') del para_estimator['Imputation'] del para_estimator['ImputationMethod'] del para_estimator['ImputationNeighbours'] # Delete the object if we do not need to return it if not return_all: del imputer # Remove any NaN feature values if these are still left after imputation X_train = replacenan(X_train, verbose=verbose, feature_labels=feature_labels[0]) X_test = replacenan(X_test, verbose=verbose, feature_labels=feature_labels[0]) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Groupwise feature selection if 'SelectGroups' in para_estimator: if verbose: print("Selecting groups of features.") del para_estimator['SelectGroups'] # TODO: more elegant way to solve this feature_groups = ['shape_features', 'histogram_features', 'orientation_features', 'texture_gabor_features', 'texture_glcm_features', 'texture_gldm_features', 'texture_glcmms_features', 'texture_glrlm_features', 'texture_glszm_features', 'texture_gldzm_features', 'texture_ngtdm_features', 'texture_ngldm_features', 'texture_lbp_features', 'dicom_features', 'semantic_features', 'coliage_features', 'vessel_features', 'phase_features', 'fractal_features', 'location_features', 'rgrd_features', 'original_features', 'wavelet_features', 'log_features'] # First take out the toolbox selection, which is a list toolboxes = para_estimator['toolbox'] del para_estimator['toolbox'] # Check per feature group if the parameter is present parameters_featsel = dict() for group in feature_groups: if group not in para_estimator: # Default: do use the group, except for texture features if group == 'texture_features': value = 'False' else: value = 'True' else: value = para_estimator[group] del para_estimator[group] parameters_featsel[group] = value # Fit groupwise feature selection object GroupSel = SelectGroups(parameters=parameters_featsel, toolboxes=toolboxes)[0]) if verbose: print("\t Original Length: " + str(len(X_train[0]))) # Transform all objectd accordingly X_train = GroupSel.transform(X_train) X_test = GroupSel.transform(X_test) if verbose: print("\t New Length: " + str(len(X_train[0]))) feature_labels = GroupSel.transform(feature_labels) # Delete the object if we do not need to return it if not return_all: del GroupSel # Check whether there are any features left if len(X_train[0]) == 0: # TODO: Make a specific WORC exception for this warning. if verbose: print('[WARNING]: No features are selected! Probably all feature groups were set to False. Parameters:') print(parameters) # Delete the non-used fields para_estimator = delete_nonestimator_parameters(para_estimator) if return_all: return ret, GroupSel, VarSel, SelectModel, feature_labels[0], scaler, encoder, imputer, pca, StatisticalSel, ReliefSel, Sampler else: return ret # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # Feature selection based on variance if para_estimator['Featsel_Variance'] == 'True': if verbose: print("Selecting features based on variance.") if verbose: print("\t Original Length: " + str(len(X_train[0]))) try: X_train, feature_labels, VarSel =\ selfeat_variance(X_train, feature_labels) X_test = VarSel.transform(X_test) except ValueError: if verbose: print('[WARNING]: No features meet the selected Variance threshold! Skipping selection.') if verbose: print("\t New Length: " + str(len(X_train[0]))) del para_estimator['Featsel_Variance'] # Delete the object if we do not need to return it if not return_all: del VarSel # Check whether there are any features left if len(X_train[0]) == 0: # TODO: Make a specific WORC exception for this warning. if verbose: print('[WARNING]: No features are selected! Probably your features have too little variance. Parameters:') print(parameters) para_estimator = delete_nonestimator_parameters(para_estimator) if return_all: return ret, GroupSel, VarSel, SelectModel, feature_labels[0], scaler, encoder, imputer, pca, StatisticalSel, ReliefSel, Sampler else: return ret # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Feature scaling if verbose and para_estimator['FeatureScaling'] != 'None': print(f'Fitting scaler and transforming features, method ' + f'{para_estimator["FeatureScaling"]}.') scaling_method = para_estimator['FeatureScaling'] if scaling_method == 'None': scaler = None else: skip_features = para_estimator['FeatureScaling_skip_features'] n_skip_feat = len([i for i in feature_labels[0] if any(e in i for e in skip_features)]) if n_skip_feat == len(X_train[0]): # Don't need to scale any features if verbose: print('[WORC Warning] Skipping scaling, only skip features selected.') scaler = None else: scaler = WORCScaler(method=scaling_method, skip_features=skip_features), feature_labels[0]) if scaler is not None: X_train = scaler.transform(X_train) X_test = scaler.transform(X_test) del para_estimator['FeatureScaling'] del para_estimator['FeatureScaling_skip_features'] # Delete the object if we do not need to return it if not return_all: del scaler # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # Relief feature selection, possibly multi classself. # Needs to be done after scaling! # para_estimator['ReliefUse'] = 'True' if 'ReliefUse' in para_estimator.keys(): if para_estimator['ReliefUse'] == 'True': if verbose: print("Selecting features using relief.") # Get parameters from para_estimator n_neighbours = para_estimator['ReliefNN'] sample_size = para_estimator['ReliefSampleSize'] distance_p = para_estimator['ReliefDistanceP'] numf = para_estimator['ReliefNumFeatures'] # Fit RELIEF object ReliefSel = SelectMulticlassRelief(n_neighbours=n_neighbours, sample_size=sample_size, distance_p=distance_p, numf=numf, random_state=random_seed), y) if verbose: print("\t Original Length: " + str(len(X_train[0]))) # Transform all objects accordingly X_train = ReliefSel.transform(X_train) X_test = ReliefSel.transform(X_test) if verbose: print("\t New Length: " + str(len(X_train[0]))) feature_labels = ReliefSel.transform(feature_labels) del para_estimator['ReliefUse'] del para_estimator['ReliefNN'] del para_estimator['ReliefSampleSize'] del para_estimator['ReliefDistanceP'] del para_estimator['ReliefNumFeatures'] # Delete the object if we do not need to return it if not return_all: del ReliefSel # Check whether there are any features left if len(X_train[0]) == 0: # TODO: Make a specific WORC exception for this warning. if verbose: print('[WARNING]: No features are selected! Probably RELIEF could not properly select features. Parameters:') print(parameters) para_estimator = delete_nonestimator_parameters(para_estimator) if return_all: return ret, GroupSel, VarSel, SelectModel, feature_labels[0], scaler, encoder, imputer, pca, StatisticalSel, ReliefSel, Sampler else: return ret # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Perform feature selection using a model para_estimator['SelectFromModel'] = 'True' if 'SelectFromModel' in para_estimator.keys() and para_estimator['SelectFromModel'] == 'True': model = para_estimator['SelectFromModel_estimator'] if verbose: print(f"Selecting features using model {model}.") if model == 'Lasso': # Use lasso model for feature selection alpha = para_estimator['SelectFromModel_lasso_alpha'] selectestimator = Lasso(alpha=alpha, random_state=random_seed) elif model == 'LR': # Use logistic regression model for feature selection selectestimator = LogisticRegression(random_state=random_seed) elif model == 'RF': # Use random forest model for feature selection n_estimators = para_estimator['SelectFromModel_n_trees'] selectestimator = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=n_estimators, random_state=random_seed) else: raise ae.WORCKeyError(f'Model {model} is not known for SelectFromModel. Use Lasso, LR, or RF.') if len(y_train.shape) >= 2: # Multilabel or regression. Regression: second dimension has length 1 if y_train.shape[1] > 1 and model != 'RF': raise ae.WORCValueError(f'Model {model} is not suitable for multiclass classification. Please use RF or do not use SelectFromModel.') # Prefit model, y_train) # Use fit to select optimal features SelectModel = SelectFromModel(selectestimator, prefit=True) if verbose: print("\t Original Length: " + str(len(X_train[0]))) X_train_temp = SelectModel.transform(X_train) if len(X_train_temp[0]) == 0: if verbose: print('[WORC WARNING]: No features are selected! Probably your data is too noisy or the selection too strict. Skipping SelectFromModel.') SelectModel = None parameters['SelectFromModel'] = 'False' else: X_train = SelectModel.transform(X_train) X_test = SelectModel.transform(X_test) feature_labels = SelectModel.transform(feature_labels) if verbose: print("\t New Length: " + str(len(X_train[0]))) if 'SelectFromModel' in para_estimator.keys(): del para_estimator['SelectFromModel'] del para_estimator['SelectFromModel_lasso_alpha'] del para_estimator['SelectFromModel_estimator'] del para_estimator['SelectFromModel_n_trees'] # Delete the object if we do not need to return it if not return_all: del SelectModel # Check whether there are any features left if len(X_train[0]) == 0: # TODO: Make a specific WORC exception for this warning. if verbose: print('[WARNING]: No features are selected! Probably SelectFromModel could not properly select features. Parameters:') print(parameters) para_estimator = delete_nonestimator_parameters(para_estimator) if return_all: return ret, GroupSel, VarSel, SelectModel, feature_labels[0], scaler, encoder, imputer, pca, StatisticalSel, ReliefSel, Sampler else: return ret # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # PCA dimensionality reduction # Principle Component Analysis if 'UsePCA' in para_estimator.keys() and para_estimator['UsePCA'] == 'True': if verbose: print('Fitting PCA') print("\t Original Length: " + str(len(X_train[0]))) if para_estimator['PCAType'] == '95variance': # Select first X components that describe 95 percent of the explained variance pca = PCA(n_components=None, random_state=random_seed) try: except (ValueError, LinAlgError) as e: if verbose: print(f'[WARNING]: skipping this setting due to PCA Error: {e}.') pca = None if return_all: return ret, GroupSel, VarSel, SelectModel, feature_labels[0], scaler, encoder, imputer, pca, StatisticalSel, ReliefSel, Sampler else: return ret evariance = pca.explained_variance_ratio_ num = 0 sum = 0 while sum < 0.95: sum += evariance[num] num += 1 # Make a PCA based on the determined amound of components pca = PCA(n_components=num, random_state=random_seed) try: except (ValueError, LinAlgError) as e: if verbose: print(f'[WARNING]: skipping this setting due to PCA Error: {e}.') pca = None if return_all: return ret, GroupSel, VarSel, SelectModel, feature_labels[0], scaler, encoder, imputer, pca, StatisticalSel, ReliefSel, Sampler else: return ret X_train = pca.transform(X_train) X_test = pca.transform(X_test) else: # Assume a fixed number of components: cannot be larger than # n_samples n_components = min(len(X_train), int(para_estimator['PCAType'])) if n_components >= len(X_train[0]): if verbose: print(f"[WORC WARNING] PCA n_components ({n_components})> n_features ({len(X_train[0])}): skipping PCA.") else: pca = PCA(n_components=n_components, random_state=random_seed) try: except (ValueError, LinAlgError) as e: if verbose: print(f'[WARNING]: skipping this setting due to PCA Error: {e}.') pca = None if return_all: return ret, GroupSel, VarSel, SelectModel, feature_labels[0], scaler, encoder, imputer, pca, StatisticalSel, ReliefSel, Sampler else: return ret X_train = pca.transform(X_train) X_test = pca.transform(X_test) if verbose: print("\t New Length: " + str(len(X_train[0]))) # Delete the object if we do not need to return it if not return_all: del pca if 'UsePCA' in para_estimator.keys(): del para_estimator['UsePCA'] del para_estimator['PCAType'] # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # Feature selection based on a statistical test if 'StatisticalTestUse' in para_estimator.keys(): if para_estimator['StatisticalTestUse'] == 'True': metric = para_estimator['StatisticalTestMetric'] threshold = para_estimator['StatisticalTestThreshold'] if verbose: print(f"Selecting features based on statistical test. Method {metric}, threshold {round(threshold, 5)}.") print("\t Original Length: " + str(len(X_train[0]))) StatisticalSel = StatisticalTestThreshold(metric=metric, threshold=threshold), y) X_train_temp = StatisticalSel.transform(X_train) if len(X_train_temp[0]) == 0: if verbose: print('[WORC WARNING]: No features are selected! Probably your statistical test feature selection was too strict. Skipping thresholding.') StatisticalSel = None parameters['StatisticalTestUse'] = 'False' else: X_train = StatisticalSel.transform(X_train) X_test = StatisticalSel.transform(X_test) feature_labels = StatisticalSel.transform(feature_labels) if verbose: print("\t New Length: " + str(len(X_train[0]))) del para_estimator['StatisticalTestUse'] del para_estimator['StatisticalTestMetric'] del para_estimator['StatisticalTestThreshold'] # Delete the object if we do not need to return it if not return_all: del StatisticalSel # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Use object resampling if 'Resampling_Use' in para_estimator.keys(): if para_estimator['Resampling_Use'] == 'True': # Determine our starting balance pos_initial = int(np.sum(y_train)) neg_initial = int(len(y_train) - pos_initial) len_in = len(y_train) # Fit ObjectSampler and transform dataset # NOTE: need to save random state for this one as well! Sampler =\ ObjectSampler(method=para_estimator['Resampling_Method'], sampling_strategy=para_estimator['Resampling_sampling_strategy'], n_jobs=para_estimator['Resampling_n_cores'], n_neighbors=para_estimator['Resampling_n_neighbors'], k_neighbors=para_estimator['Resampling_k_neighbors'], threshold_cleaning=para_estimator['Resampling_threshold_cleaning'], verbose=verbose, random_seed=random_seed) try:, y_train) X_train_temp, y_train_temp = Sampler.transform(X_train, y_train) except ae.WORCValueError as e: message = str(e) if verbose: print('[WORC WARNING] Skipping resampling: ' + message) Sampler = None parameters['Resampling_Use'] = 'False' except RuntimeError as e: if 'ADASYN is not suited for this specific dataset. Use SMOTE instead.' in str(e): # Seldomly occurs, therefore return performance dummy if verbose: print(f'[WARNING]: {e}. Returning dummies. Parameters: ') print(parameters) para_estimator = delete_nonestimator_parameters(para_estimator) if return_all: return ret, GroupSel, VarSel, SelectModel, feature_labels[0], scaler, encoder, imputer, pca, StatisticalSel, ReliefSel, Sampler else: return ret else: raise e else: pos = int(np.sum(y_train_temp)) neg = int(len(y_train_temp) - pos) if pos < 10 or neg < 10: if verbose: print(f'[WORC WARNING] Skipping resampling: to few objects returned in one or both classes (pos: {pos}, neg: {neg}).') Sampler = None parameters['Resampling_Use'] = 'False' else: X_train = X_train_temp y_train = y_train_temp # Notify the user what the resampling did pos = int(np.sum(y_train)) neg = int(len(y_train) - pos) if verbose: message = f"Resampling from {len_in} ({pos_initial} pos," +\ f" {neg_initial} neg) to {len(y_train)} ({pos} pos, {neg} neg) patients." print(message) # Also reset train and test indices train = np.arange(0, len(y_train)) test = np.arange(len(y_train), len(y_train) + len(y_test)) del para_estimator['Resampling_Use'] del para_estimator['Resampling_Method'] del para_estimator['Resampling_sampling_strategy'] del para_estimator['Resampling_n_neighbors'] del para_estimator['Resampling_k_neighbors'] del para_estimator['Resampling_threshold_cleaning'] del para_estimator['Resampling_n_cores'] # Delete the object if we do not need to return it if not return_all: del Sampler # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # Fitting and scoring # Only when using fastr this is an entry if 'Number' in para_estimator.keys(): del para_estimator['Number'] # For certainty, we delete all parameters again para_estimator = delete_nonestimator_parameters(para_estimator) # NOTE: This just has to go to the construct classifier function, # although it is more convenient here due to the hyperparameter search if type(y) is list: labellength = 1 else: try: labellength = y.shape[1] except IndexError: labellength = 1 if labellength > 1 and type(estimator) not in [RankedSVM, RandomForestClassifier]: # Multiclass, hence employ a multiclass classifier for e.g. SVM, LR estimator.set_params(**para_estimator) estimator = OneVsRestClassifier(estimator) if verbose: print(f"Fitting ML method: {parameters['classifiers']}.") # Recombine feature values and label for train and test set feature_values = np.concatenate((X_train, X_test), axis=0) y_all = np.concatenate((y_train, y_test), axis=0) para_estimator = None try: ret = _fit_and_score(estimator, feature_values, y_all, scorers, train, test, verbose, para_estimator, fit_params, return_train_score=return_train_score, return_parameters=return_parameters, return_n_test_samples=return_n_test_samples, return_times=return_times, return_estimator=return_estimator, error_score=error_score) except (ValueError, LinAlgError) as e: if type(estimator) == LDA: if verbose: print(f'[WARNING]: skipping this setting due to LDA Error: {e}.') if return_all: return ret, GroupSel, VarSel, SelectModel, feature_labels[0], scaler, encoder, imputer, pca, StatisticalSel, ReliefSel, Sampler else: return ret else: raise e # Add original parameters to return object ret.append(parameters) if refit_workflows: indices = np.arange(0, len(y)) estimator = WORC.classification.SearchCV.RandomizedSearchCVfastr() estimator.refit_and_score(X, y, parameters, train=indices, test=indices) ret.append(estimator) if return_all: return ret, GroupSel, VarSel, SelectModel, feature_labels[0], scaler, encoder, imputer, pca, StatisticalSel, ReliefSel, Sampler else: return ret
[docs]def delete_nonestimator_parameters(parameters): """Delete non-estimator parameters. Delete all parameters in a parameter dictionary that are not used for the actual estimator. """ if 'Number' in parameters.keys(): del parameters['Number'] if 'UsePCA' in parameters.keys(): del parameters['UsePCA'] del parameters['PCAType'] if 'ReliefUse' in parameters.keys(): del parameters['ReliefUse'] del parameters['ReliefNN'] del parameters['ReliefSampleSize'] del parameters['ReliefDistanceP'] del parameters['ReliefNumFeatures'] if 'OneHotEncoding' in parameters.keys(): del parameters['OneHotEncoding'] del parameters['OneHotEncoding_feature_labels_tofit'] if 'Imputation' in parameters.keys(): del parameters['Imputation'] del parameters['ImputationMethod'] del parameters['ImputationNeighbours'] if 'SelectFromModel' in parameters.keys(): del parameters['SelectFromModel'] del parameters['SelectFromModel_lasso_alpha'] del parameters['SelectFromModel_estimator'] del parameters['SelectFromModel_n_trees'] if 'Featsel_Variance' in parameters.keys(): del parameters['Featsel_Variance'] if 'FeatPreProcess' in parameters.keys(): del parameters['FeatPreProcess'] if 'FeatureScaling' in parameters.keys(): del parameters['FeatureScaling'] if 'StatisticalTestUse' in parameters.keys(): del parameters['StatisticalTestUse'] del parameters['StatisticalTestMetric'] del parameters['StatisticalTestThreshold'] if 'Resampling_Use' in parameters.keys(): del parameters['Resampling_Use'] del parameters['Resampling_Method'] del parameters['Resampling_sampling_strategy'] del parameters['Resampling_n_neighbors'] del parameters['Resampling_k_neighbors'] del parameters['Resampling_threshold_cleaning'] del parameters['Resampling_n_cores'] if 'random_seed' in parameters.keys(): del parameters['random_seed'] return parameters
[docs]def replacenan(image_features, verbose=True, feature_labels=None): ''' Replace the NaNs in an image feature matrix. ''' image_features_temp = image_features.copy() for pnum, x in enumerate(image_features_temp): for fnum, value in enumerate(x): if np.isnan(value): if verbose: if feature_labels is not None: print(f"[WORC WARNING] NaN found, patient {pnum}, label {feature_labels[fnum]}. Replacing with zero.") else: print(f"[WORC WARNING] NaN found, patient {pnum}, label {fnum}. Replacing with zero.") # Note: X is a list of lists, hence we cannot index the element directly image_features_temp[pnum, fnum] = 0 return image_features_temp
[docs]def delete_cc_para(para): """Delete all parameters that are involved in classifier construction.""" deletekeys = ['classifiers', 'max_iter', 'SVMKernel', 'SVMC', 'SVMdegree', 'SVMcoef0', 'SVMgamma', 'RFn_estimators', 'RFmin_samples_split', 'RFmax_depth', 'LRpenalty', 'LR_l1_ratio', 'LR_solver', 'LRC', 'LDA_solver', 'LDA_shrinkage', 'QDA_reg_param', 'ElasticNet_alpha', 'ElasticNet_l1_ratio', 'SGD_alpha', 'SGD_l1_ratio', 'SGD_loss', 'SGD_penalty', 'CNB_alpha', 'AdaBoost_learning_rate', 'AdaBoost_n_estimators', 'XGB_boosting_rounds', 'XGB_max_depth', 'XGB_learning_rate', 'XGB_gamma', 'XGB_min_child_weight', 'XGB_colsample_bytree'] for k in deletekeys: if k in para.keys(): del para[k] return para