Source code for WORC.facade.simpleworc

#!/usr/bin/env python

# Copyright 2016-2023 Biomedical Imaging Group Rotterdam, Departments of
# Medical Informatics and Radiology, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import fastr.exceptions
from pathlib import Path
import inspect
import os
import pandas as pd
from WORC import WORC
from .helpers.processing import convert_radiomix_features
from .helpers.exceptions import PathNotFoundException, NoImagesFoundException, \
    NoSegmentationsFoundException, InvalidCsvFileException, \
    NoFeaturesFoundException, NoMasksFoundException
from WORC.addexceptions import WORCKeyError, WORCValueError, WORCAssertionError, \
from .helpers.configbuilder import ConfigBuilder
from WORC.detectors.detectors import CsvDetector, BigrClusterDetector, \

from WORC.validators.preflightcheck import ValidatorsFactory
from functools import wraps
from import quantitative_modalities, qualitative_modalities

def _for_all_methods(decorator):
    """Methods to attach an object to all methods."""
    def decorate(cls):
        for attr in cls.__dict__:  # there's propably a better way to do this
            if callable(getattr(cls, attr)):
                setattr(cls, attr, decorator(getattr(cls, attr)))
        return cls

    return decorate

def _error_bulldozer(func):
    """Checks whether raised errors are known or should never occur."""
    _valid_exceptions = [
        PathNotFoundException, NoImagesFoundException,
        NoSegmentationsFoundException, InvalidCsvFileException,
        TypeError, ValueError, NotImplementedError, WORCKeyError,
        WORCValueError, WORCAssertionError, NoMasksFoundException,
    _valid_exceptions += [c[1] for c in inspect.getmembers(fastr.exceptions, inspect.isclass)]

    unexpected_exception_exception = Exception('An unexpected error has occured, which we have not catched in WORC. Double check your code or make an issue on the WORC github so that we can fix this issue. Please report the actual error raised in your report.')

    def dec(*args, **kwargs):
            func(*args, **kwargs)
        except Exception as e:
            if e.__class__ not in _valid_exceptions:
                raise unexpected_exception_exception
            raise e
    return dec

[docs]@_for_all_methods(_error_bulldozer) class SimpleWORC(): """Facade around the main WORC object for simple interaction. Please also see the `WORCTutorial Github <>`_. """
[docs] def __init__(self, name='WORC'): """Initialize SimpleWORC object. Parameters ----------- name: string, default WORC String to identify name of experiments. Will be used in the temporary files and outputs. """ # Set some config values self._worc = WORC(name) self._images_train = [] self._images_test = [] self._features_train = [] self._features_test = [] self._segmentations_train = [] self._segmentations_test = [] self._masks_train = [] self._masks_test = [] self._elastix_parameter_file = [] self._semantics_file_train = None self._semantics_file_test = None self._radiomix_feature_file = None self._labels_file_train = None self._labels_file_test = None self._label_names = [] self._image_types = [''] self._method = None self._fixed_splits = None self._trained_model = None self._config_files = [] self._config_builder = ConfigBuilder() self._add_evaluation = False self._buildtype = 'training' # Detect wether we are on a cluster if BigrClusterDetector().do_detection(): self._worc.fastr_plugin = 'DRMAAExecution' elif SnelliusClusterDetector().do_detection(): self._worc.fastr_plugin = 'ProcessPoolExecution'
[docs] def set_fixed_splits(self, fixed_splits_csv): """Provide CSV with fixed splits for cross-validation. Parameters ---------- fixed_splits_csv: string Path of CSV file """ if not Path(fixed_splits_csv).is_file(): raise PathNotFoundException(fixed_splits_csv) if self._fixed_splits is not None: print('WARN: set_fixed_splits already set. Please check your script to make sure this is ok!') self._fixed_splits = fixed_splits_csv
[docs] def set_image_types(self, image_types): """Set the type of images to be processed. Parameters ---------- image_types: list of strings Names of types of images that are provided to WORC. """ all_valid_modalities = quantitative_modalities + qualitative_modalities if any(imt not in all_valid_modalities for imt in image_types): m = f'One of your image types {image_types} is not one of the valid image types {quantitative_modalities + qualitative_modalities}. This is mandatory to set when performing fingerprinting, see the WORC Documentation (' raise WORCValueError(m) self._image_types = image_types
[docs] def features_from_this_directory(self, directory, feature_file_name='features.hdf5', glob='*/', is_training=True): """Use features from a directory as sources in WORC. SimpleWORC uses a directory glob to look for files meeting the requirements to include, based on the input parameters. Example: When using "directory = C:\\Users\\MyName\\FeatureFolder", features_from_this_directory will include all features.hdf5 files from all subfolders in the directory. Parameters ---------- directory: string Identifies the root directory in which to search for feature files. feature_file_name: string, default features.hdf5 Name of the files which will be included. Can include wildcards (*). glob: string, default */ Identify the search string to be used in the glob. Can include wildcards (*). is_training: Boolean, default True Identify whether these features should be used in the training or test dataset. """ directory = Path(directory).expanduser() if not directory.exists(): raise PathNotFoundException(directory) features = list(directory.glob(f'{glob}{feature_file_name}')) if len(features) == 0: raise NoFeaturesFoundException(f'{directory}{glob}{feature_file_name}') features_per_subject = { feature.as_uri().replace('%20', ' ') for feature in features} if is_training: self._features_train.append(features_per_subject) else: self._features_test.append(features_per_subject)
[docs] def images_from_this_directory(self, directory, image_file_name='image.nii.gz', glob='*/', is_training=True): """Use images from a directory as sources in WORC. SimpleWORC uses a directory glob to look for files meeting the requirements to include, based on the input parameters. Example: When using "directory = C:\\Users\\MyName\\ImageFolder", images_from_this_directory will include all image.nii.gz files from all subfolders in the directory. Parameters ---------- directory: string Identifies the root directory in which to search for image files. image_file_name: string, default image.nii.gz Name of the files which will be included. Can include wildcards (*). glob: string, default */ Identify the search string to be used in the glob. Can include wildcards (*). is_training: Boolean, default True Identify whether these images should be used in the training or test dataset. """ directory = Path(directory).expanduser() if not directory.exists(): raise PathNotFoundException(directory) images = list(directory.glob(f'{glob}{image_file_name}')) if len(images) == 0: raise NoImagesFoundException(f'{directory}{glob}{image_file_name}') images_per_subject = { image.as_uri().replace('%20', ' ') for image in images} if is_training: self._images_train.append(images_per_subject) else: self._images_test.append(images_per_subject)
[docs] def segmentations_from_this_directory(self, directory, segmentation_file_name='segmentation.nii.gz', glob='*/', is_training=True): """Use segmentations from a directory as sources in WORC. Segmentations define the region of interest from which the features are extracted. SimpleWORC uses a directory glob to look for files meeting the requirements to include, based on the input parameters. Example: When using "directory = C:\\Users\\MyName\\SegmentationFolder", segmentations_from_this_directory will include all segmentation.nii.gz files from all subfolders in the directory. Parameters ---------- directory: string Identifies the root directory in which to search for segmentation files. segmentation_file_name: string, default segmentation.nii.gz Name of the files which will be included. Can include wildcards (*). glob: string, default */ Identify the search string to be used in the glob. Can include wildcards (*). is_training: Boolean, default True Identify whether these segmentations should be used in the training or test dataset. """ directory = Path(directory).expanduser() if not directory.exists(): raise PathNotFoundException(directory) segmentations = list(directory.glob(f'{glob}{segmentation_file_name}')) if len(segmentations) == 0: raise NoSegmentationsFoundException(str(directory)) segmentations_per_subject = { segmentation.as_uri().replace('%20', ' ') for segmentation in segmentations} if is_training: self._segmentations_train.append(segmentations_per_subject) else: self._segmentations_test.append(segmentations_per_subject)
[docs] def masks_from_this_directory(self, directory, mask_file_name='mask.nii.gz', glob='*/', is_training=True): """Use masks from a directory as sources in WORC. Masks are used in a variety of tools to ``mask'' certain parts of the image, e.g. in the normalization. Masks are fully optional. SimpleWORC uses a directory glob to look for files meeting the requirements to include, based on the input parameters. Example: When using "directory = C:\\Users\\MyName\\MaskFolder", masks_from_this_directory will include all mask.nii.gz files from all subfolders in the directory. Parameters ---------- directory: string Identifies the root directory in which to search for mask files. mask_file_name: string, default mask.nii.gz Name of the files which will be included. Can include wildcards (*). glob: string, default */ Identify the search string to be used in the glob. Can include wildcards (*). is_training: Boolean, default True Identify whether these masks should be used in the training or test dataset. """ directory = Path(directory).expanduser() if not directory.exists(): raise PathNotFoundException(directory) masks = list(directory.glob(f'{glob}{mask_file_name}')) if len(masks) == 0: raise NoMasksFoundException(str(directory)) masks_per_subject = { mask.as_uri().replace('%20', ' ') for mask in masks} if is_training: self._masks_train.append(masks_per_subject) else: self._masks_test.append(masks_per_subject)
[docs] def labels_from_this_file(self, file_path, is_training=True): """Define which file should be used by WORC to extract the object labels. Should be a .csv or .txt file: see :ref:`the WORC user manual <usermanual-chapter:>` for more details on the formatting of this file. Parameters ---------- file_path: basestring Location of the file to be used as label file. Can be a .csv or .txt file. is_training: Boolean, default True Identify whether this label file should be used in the training or test dataset. """ labels_file = Path(file_path).expanduser() if not labels_file.is_file(): raise PathNotFoundException(file_path) if not CsvDetector(labels_file.absolute()): raise InvalidCsvFileException(labels_file.absolute()) if is_training: self._labels_file_train = str(labels_file.absolute()).replace('%20', ' ') else: self._labels_file_test = str(labels_file.absolute()).replace('%20', ' ')
[docs] def semantics_from_this_file(self, file_path, is_training=True): """Define which file should be used by WORC to extract the semantic features. The values in these file can be used as semantic, i.e. non-computational, features in WORC. Should be a .csv file: see :ref:`the WORC user manual <usermanual-chapter:>` for more details on the formatting of this file. Parameters ---------- file_path: basestring Location of the file to be used as semantics file. Can be a .csv or .txt file. is_training: Boolean, default True Identify whether this semantics file should be used in the training or test dataset. """ semantics_file = Path(file_path).expanduser() if not semantics_file.is_file(): raise PathNotFoundException(file_path) if not CsvDetector(semantics_file.absolute()): raise InvalidCsvFileException(semantics_file.absolute()) # TODO: implement sanity check semantics file e.g. is it a semantics file and are there semantics available if is_training: self._semantics_file_train = [str(semantics_file.absolute()).replace('%20', ' ')] else: self._semantics_file_test = [str(semantics_file.absolute()).replace('%20', ' ')]
[docs] def set_registration_parameterfile(self, file_path): """Define which elastix parameter file(s) should be used by WORC to perform the registration. More information can be found in the elastix documentation on the format and settings: Examples of parameter files can be found in the elastix model zoo github repo: If you want to use multiple parameter files sequentially in the registration, simply use this function multiple times. Parameters ---------- file_path: basestring Location of the file to be used, should be a .txt file. """ elastix_parameter_file = Path(file_path).expanduser() if not elastix_parameter_file.is_file(): raise PathNotFoundException(file_path) if not CsvDetector(elastix_parameter_file.absolute()): raise InvalidCsvFileException(elastix_parameter_file.absolute()) self._elastix_parameter_file.append(str(elastix_parameter_file.absolute()).replace('%20', ' '))
[docs] def run_inference(self, trained_model, config_files): """Run inference on a dataset using a previously trained WORC model. Parameters ---------- trained_model: basestring Location of the HDF5 file of the trained model from WORC, commonly named "estimator_all_0.hdf5". config_files: basestring List of location of the .ini file of the configurations of the trained model from WORC, commonly named like "config_CT_0_all_0.ini". Note: these are the config files for the feature extraction, not the model training itself, which is embedded in the trained model. """ trained_model = Path(trained_model).expanduser() if not trained_model.is_file(): raise PathNotFoundException(trained_model) self._trained_model = str(trained_model.absolute()).replace('%20', ' ') for config_file in config_files: config_file = Path(config_file).expanduser() if not config_file.is_file(): raise PathNotFoundException(trained_model) self._config_files.append(str(config_file.absolute()).replace('%20', ' ')) # Change build type for making the fastr network self._buildtype = 'inference'
[docs] def predict_labels(self, label_names: list): """Determine which label(s) to predict in your experiments. The labels(s) you want to predict should be given in strings and should be included in the header of your labels_from_this_file csv. Note that you therefore first need to use that function to determine which label file to use, and afterwards use this function to select one of the headers / columns containing the actual label. Parameters ----------- label_names: list List of strings containing the label name(s) to predict. For each label, a separate (classification) model will be created, or, if a multilabel experiment is run, a singel multiclass / multilabel classification model """ if not self._labels_file_train: if not self.labels_file_train: if not self._trained_model: raise ValueError('No labels file set! You can do this through labels_from_this_file') if not isinstance(label_names, list): raise TypeError(f'label_names is of type {type(label_names)} while list is expected') for label in label_names: if not isinstance(label, str): raise TypeError(f'label {label} is of type {type(label)} while str is expected') if len(label.strip()) == 0: raise ValueError('Invalid label, length = 0') # TODO: check if labels is in labels file # self._worc.label_names = ', '.join(label_names) self._label_names = label_names
def _set_and_validate_estimators(self, estimators, scoring_method, method, coarse): """Check whether the given estimators in the config are valid for the experiment. Parameters ----------- estimators: list String(s) of the estimators to be used. See the :ref:`WORC Config chapter <config-chapter>` for allowed options. scoring_method: string Name of metric to be used for ranking the workflows. method: string Currently supported: classification or regression coarse: boolean Determine whether to do a coarse or full experiment. """ # validate if 'classification' in method: valid_estimators = ['SVM', 'RF', 'SGD', 'LR', 'LDA', 'QDA', 'GaussianNB', 'ComplementNB', 'AdaBoostClassifier', 'XGBClassifier', 'LightGBMClassifier'] elif method == 'regression': valid_estimators = ['SVR', 'RFR', 'ElasticNet', 'Lasso', 'SGDR', 'XGBRegressor', 'AdaBoostRegressor', 'LinR', 'Ridge'] else: valid_estimators = [] for estimator in estimators: if estimator not in valid_estimators: raise ValueError( f'Invalid estimator {estimator} for {method}; must be one of {", ".join(valid_estimators)}') # TODO: sanity check scoring method per estimator # set self._config_builder.estimator_scoring_overrides(estimators, scoring_method) if coarse: self._config_builder.coarse_overrides() self._method = method
[docs] def count_num_subjects(self): """Count the number of subjects in the experiment.""" if self._trained_model is not None: # Only count test subjects if self._radiomix_feature_file: f = pd.read_excel(self._radiomix_feature_file) pids = f.values[:, 4] tocount = pids elif self._images_test: tocount = self._images_[0] elif self._features_test: tocount = self._features_test[0] elif self.images_test: tocount = self.images_test[0] elif self.features_test: tocount = self.features_test[0] else: message = 'No test features or images given, cannot count number ' +\ ' of subjects. Make sure you input at least one of these ' +\ 'as source.' raise WORCValueError(message) else: if self._radiomix_feature_file: f = pd.read_excel(self._radiomix_feature_file) pids = f.values[:, 4] tocount = pids elif self._images_train: tocount = self._images_train[0] elif self._features_train: tocount = self._features_train[0] elif self.images_train: tocount = self.images_train[0] elif self.features_train: tocount = self.features_train[0] else: message = 'No train features or images given, cannot count number ' +\ ' of subjects. Make sure you input at least one of these ' +\ 'as source.' raise WORCValueError(message) if type(tocount) == dict(): num_subjects = len(list(tocount.keys())) else: num_subjects = len(tocount) self._num_subjects = num_subjects
def _validate(self): """Run various validators to validate the experiment.""" validators = ValidatorsFactory.factor_validators() self.count_num_subjects() for validator in validators: validator.do_validation(self)
[docs] def binary_classification(self, estimators=None, scoring_method='f1_weighted', coarse=True): """Tell WORC do to a binary classification experiment. Parameters ---------- estimators: list List of strings with names of valid estimators. See the :ref:`WORC Config chapter <config-chapter>` for allowed options. If coarse, only an SVM will be used. If not, the default full config will be used. scoring_method: string, default f1 Name of the scoring method used to rank the workflows. See the :ref:`WORC Config chapter <config-chapter>` for allowed options. coarse: boolean, default True Determine whether to do a coarse or full experiment. """ if coarse and estimators is None: estimators = ['SVM'] elif estimators is None: estimators = ['SVM', 'RF', 'LR', 'LDA', 'QDA', 'GaussianNB', 'AdaBoostClassifier', 'XGBClassifier'] self._set_and_validate_estimators(estimators, scoring_method, 'binary_classification', coarse)
[docs] def multiclass_classification(self, estimators=None, scoring_method='f1_weighted', coarse=True): """Tell WORC do to a multiclass classification experiment. Parameters ---------- estimators: list List of strings with names of valid estimators. See the :ref:`WORC Config chapter <config-chapter>` for allowed options. If coarse, only an SVM will be used. If not, the default full config will be used. scoring_method: string, default f1 Name of the scoring method used to rank the workflows. See the :ref:`WORC Config chapter <config-chapter>` for allowed options. coarse: boolean, default True Determine whether to do a coarse or full experiment. """ if coarse and estimators is None: estimators = ['SVM'] elif estimators is None: estimators = ['SVM', 'RF', 'LR', 'LDA', 'QDA', 'GaussianNB', 'AdaBoostClassifier', 'XGBClassifier'] self._set_and_validate_estimators(estimators, scoring_method, 'multiclass_classification', coarse) overrides = { 'Labels': { 'modus': 'multilabel', }, 'Featsel': { # Other estimators do not support multiclass 'SelectFromModel_estimator': 'RF' } } self.add_config_overrides(overrides)
[docs] def regression(self, estimators=None, scoring_method='r2', coarse=True): """Tell WORC do to a regression experiment. Parameters ---------- estimators: list List of strings with names of valid estimators. See the :ref:`WORC Config chapter <config-chapter>` for allowed options. If coarse, only SVR will be used. If not, the default full config will be used. scoring_method: string, default r2 Name of the scoring method used to rank the workflows. See the :ref:`WORC Config chapter <config-chapter>` for allowed options. coarse: boolean, default True Determine whether to do a coarse or full experiment. """ # if coarse and estimators is None: # estimators = ['SVR'] # elif estimators is None: estimators = ['SVR', 'RFR', 'ElasticNet', 'Lasso', 'AdaBoostRegressor', 'XGBRegressor', 'LinR', 'Ridge'] # regression-specific override overrides = { 'Featsel': { 'SelectFromModel': 0.0, 'StatisticalTestUse': 0.0, 'ReliefUse': 0.0, }, } self.add_config_overrides(overrides) self._set_and_validate_estimators(estimators, scoring_method, 'regression', coarse)
[docs] def survival(self, estimators, scoring_method, coarse=True): """Tell WORC do to a regression experiment. Not implemented yet.""" raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def add_config_overrides(self, config): """Add manual overrides for the WORC configuration. For a full list of options, see the :ref:`WORC Config chapter <config-chapter>` for allowed options. Example usage: overrides = { 'Classification': { 'classifiers': 'SVM', }, 'Featsel': { # Other estimators do not support multiclass 'SelectFromModel_estimator': 'RF' } } self.add_config_overrides(overrides) Parameters ---------- config: dictionary Determine which options to override with which values. """ self._config_builder.custom_config_overrides(config)
[docs] def add_evaluation(self, selected_label=0): """Add the evaluation workflow to the standard WORC workflow. Adds several evaluation measures, including: - Computation of 95% confidence intervals for performance - Univariate testing of features - ROC curve with confidence bands construction - Ranking of patients based on percentage / posterior - Decompositions (e.g. PCA, t-SNE) See the :ref:`WORC documentation <additonalfunctionality-chapter>` for additional info. Parameters ---------- selected_label: integer, default 0 Determine for which of the labels to be predicted the evaluate workflow should be executed. """ self._add_evaluation = True self._selected_label = selected_label self._worc.modus = self._method
[docs] def set_tmpdir(self, tmpdir): """Set a directory for storing temporary files from the experiment. If not specified, the default fastr tmpdir is used, see ``fastr.config.mounts['tmp']`` . """ self._worc.fastr_tmpdir = tmpdir
[docs] def set_multicore_execution(self): """"Execute experiment in multicore mode. By default, SimpleWORC executes experiments in LinearExecution mode, meaning that only a single core will be used and jobs are executed in series. When multicore mode is enabled, jobs are parallellized over all available cores, which majorly speeds up the computation. Note: SimpleWORC has an automatic detector for the BIGR and Snellius cluster. Hence, on those clusters, do not use the multicore execution, as this will overwrite the changes applied by the detectors. """ self._worc.fastr_plugin = 'ProcessPoolExecution' self.add_config_overrides({'Classification': {'fastr_plugin': 'ProcessPoolExecution'}})
[docs] def features_from_radiomix_xlsx(self, feature_file): """Use a feature file which is generated by the OncoRadiomics Radiomix tool.""" self._radiomix_feature_file = feature_file
def _check_traintest(self): """Check whether experiment purely has a training set, or training and testing""" if self._worc.images_test or self._worc.features_test: # Testing workflow, use bootstrapping overrides = { 'Bootstrap': {'Use': 'True'} } self.add_config_overrides(overrides)
[docs] def execute(self): """Execute the experiment. Before executing the actual experiment, this function will first run several validators and check the provided setup to make sure some of the most common made error are caught before running the experiment. """ # Do some final sanity checking before we execute the experiment self._validate() if self._fixed_splits: self._worc.fixedsplits = self._fixed_splits if self._radiomix_feature_file: # Convert radiomix features and use those as inputs output_folder = os.path.join(fastr.config.mounts['tmp'], 'Radiomix_features') # Check if output folder exists: otherwise create if not os.path.exists(output_folder): os.mkdir(output_folder) # convert the features convert_radiomix_features(self._radiomix_feature_file, output_folder) # Set the newly created feature files as the WORC input self.features_from_this_directory(output_folder) # Give set sources to the WORC object self._worc.images_train = self._images_train self._worc.features_train = self._features_train self._worc.segmentations_train = self._segmentations_train self._worc.masks_train = self._masks_train self._worc.labels_train = self._labels_file_train self._worc.Elastix_Para = self._elastix_parameter_file self._worc.semantics_train = self._semantics_file_train self._worc.trained_model = self._trained_model self._worc.configs = self._config_files # If a specific train-test setup is provided, add test sources if self._images_test: self._worc.images_test = self._images_test if self._features_test: self._worc.features_test = self._features_test if self._segmentations_test: self._worc.segmentations_test = self._segmentations_test if self._masks_test: self._worc.masks_test = self._masks_test if self._labels_file_test: self._worc.labels_test = self._labels_file_test if self._semantics_file_test: self._worc.semantics_test = self._semantics_file_test # Set the labels to predict self._worc.label_names = ', '.join(self._label_names) if 'Labels' not in self._config_builder._custom_overrides.keys(): self._config_builder._custom_overrides['Labels'] = dict() self._config_builder._custom_overrides['Labels']['label_names'] = self._worc.label_names # Find out how many configs we need to make if self._worc.images_train: nmod = len(self._worc.images_train) else: nmod = len(self._worc.features_train) # Check whether user has provided a separate train and test set self._check_traintest() # Create configuration files self._worc.configs = [self._config_builder.build_config(self._worc.defaultconfig())] * nmod for cnum, _ in enumerate(self._worc.configs): self._worc.configs[cnum]['ImageFeatures']['image_type'] = self._image_types[cnum] # Build the fastr network if self._add_evaluation: self._worc.add_evaluation(label_type=self._label_names[self._selected_label], modus=self._method) # Set the sources and sinks and execute the experiment. self._worc.set() self._worc.execute()