Source code for WORC.plotting.plot_images

#!/usr/bin/env python

# Copyright 2016-2022 Biomedical Imaging Group Rotterdam, Departments of
# Medical Informatics and Radiology, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import numpy as np
from matplotlib.ticker import NullLocator
import matplotlib.colors as colors
import SimpleITK as sitk
from skimage import morphology
import WORC.addexceptions as ae
import scipy.ndimage as nd

[docs]def extract_boundary(contour, radius=2): returnitk = False if type(contour) is sitk.Image: contour = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(contour) returnitk = True disk = morphology.disk(radius) if len(contour.shape) == 3: for ind in range(contour.shape[0]): contour_d = morphology.binary_dilation(contour[ind, :, :], disk) contour_e = morphology.binary_erosion(contour[ind, :, :], disk) contour[ind, :, :] = np.bitwise_xor(contour_d, contour_e) else: contour_d = morphology.binary_dilation(contour, disk) contour_e = morphology.binary_erosion(contour, disk) contour = np.bitwise_xor(contour_d, contour_e) contour = contour.astype(np.uint16) # To be compatible with SimpleITK if returnitk: return sitk.GetImageFromArray(contour) else: return contour
[docs]def slicer(image, mask=None, output_name=None, output_name_zoom=None, thresholds=[-5, 5], zoomfactor=4, dpi=500, normalize=True, expand=False, boundary=False, square=False, flip=True, rot90=0, alpha=0.40, axis='axial', index=None, color='cyan', radius=2, colormap='gray', fill=False): """Plot slice of image where mask is largest, with mask as overlay. image and mask should both be arrays """ # Determine figure size by spacing if len(image.GetSize()) == 2: # 2D Image spacing = [float(image.GetSpacing()[0]), float(image.GetSpacing()[1])] imsize = [float(image.GetSize()[0]), float(image.GetSize()[1])] figsize = (imsize[0]*spacing[0]/100.0, imsize[1]*spacing[1]/100.0) else: # 3D Image # Determine figure size by spacing spacing = [float(image.GetSpacing()[0]), float(image.GetSpacing()[1]), float(image.GetSpacing()[2])] imsize = [float(image.GetSize()[0]), float(image.GetSize()[1]), float(image.GetSize()[2])] if axis == 'axial': figsize = (imsize[0]*spacing[0]/100.0, imsize[1]*spacing[1]/100.0) elif axis == 'coronal': figsize = (imsize[0]*spacing[0]/100.0, imsize[2]*spacing[2]/100.0) elif axis == 'transversal': figsize = (imsize[1]*spacing[1]/100.0, imsize[2]*spacing[2]/100.0) # Convert images to numpy arrays image = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(image) if mask is not None: mask = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(mask) if len(image.shape) == 2: # 2D image, so image and mask are already single slices imslice = image maskslice = mask else: # Determine which axial slice has the largest area if index is None: if mask is not None: if axis == 'axial': areas = np.sum(mask, axis=2).tolist() elif axis == 'coronal': areas = np.sum(mask, axis=1).tolist() elif axis == 'transversal': areas = np.sum(mask, axis=0).tolist() index = areas.index(max(areas)) else: if axis == 'axial': index = int(image.shape[2]/2) elif axis == 'coronal': index = int(image.shape[1]/2) elif axis == 'transversal': index = int(image.shape[0]/2) if axis == 'axial': imslice = image[index, :, :] elif axis == 'coronal': imslice = image[:, index, :] elif axis == 'transversal': imslice = image[:, :, index] else: raise ValueError(f'{axis} is not a valid value for the axis, should be axial, coronal, or transversal.') if mask is not None: if axis == 'axial': maskslice = mask[index, :, :] elif axis == 'coronal': maskslice = mask[:, index, :] elif axis == 'transversal': maskslice = mask[:, :, index] else: raise ValueError(f'{axis} is not a valid value for the axis, should be axial, coronal, or transversal.') else: maskslice = None if rot90 != 0: print(f'\t Rotating {rot90 * 90} degrees.') imslice = np.rot90(imslice, rot90) if mask is not None: maskslice = np.rot90(maskslice, rot90) if flip: print('\t Flipping up-down.') imslice = np.flipud(imslice) if mask is not None: maskslice = np.flipud(maskslice) if fill: print('\t Filling holes.') maskslice = nd.binary_fill_holes(maskslice) maskslice = maskslice.astype(np.uint8) if mask is not None: if boundary: print('\t Extracting boundary.') maskslice = extract_boundary(maskslice, radius) if normalize: print('\t Normalizing.') imslice = sitk.GetImageFromArray(imslice) imslice = sitk.Normalize(imslice) imslice = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(imslice) if square: sz = imslice.shape if sz[0] != sz[1]: print('\t Making image square') if sz[0] > sz[1]: diff = sz[0] - sz[1] newimslice = np.ones((sz[0], sz[0])) * np.min(imslice) newimslice[:, int(diff/2.0):sz[1] + int(diff/2.0)] = imslice imslice = newimslice if mask is not None: newmaskslice = np.zeros((sz[0], sz[0])) newmaskslice[:, int(diff/2.0):sz[1] + int(diff/2.0)] = maskslice maskslice = newmaskslice else: diff = sz[1] - sz[0] newimslice = np.ones((sz[1], sz[1])) * np.min(imslice) newimslice[int(diff/2.0):sz[0] + int(diff/2.0), :] = imslice imslice = newimslice if mask is not None: newmaskslice = np.zeros((sz[1], sz[1])) newmaskslice[int(diff/2.0):sz[0] + int(diff/2.0), :] = maskslice maskslice = newmaskslice if expand: print('\t Expanding.') imslice = sitk.GetImageFromArray(imslice) if mask is not None: maskslice = sitk.GetImageFromArray(maskslice) newsize = (4, 4) imslice = sitk.Expand(imslice, newsize) if mask is not None: maskslice = sitk.Expand(maskslice, newsize) # Adjust the size if axis == 'axial': figsize = (imsize[0]*spacing[0]/100.0, imsize[1]*spacing[1]/100.0) elif axis == 'coronal': figsize = (imsize[0]*spacing[0]/100.0, imsize[2]*spacing[2]/100.0) elif axis == 'transversal': figsize = (imsize[1]*spacing[1]/100.0, imsize[2]*spacing[2]/100.0) imslice = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(imslice) if mask is not None: maskslice = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(maskslice) # Threshold the image if desired if thresholds: print("\t Thresholding.") imslice[imslice < thresholds[0]] = thresholds[0] imslice[imslice > thresholds[1]] = thresholds[1] # Plot the image and overlay the mask fig = plot_im_and_overlay(imslice, maskslice, figsize=figsize, alpha=alpha, color=color, colormap=colormap) # Save Output print('\t Saving output.') fig.savefig(output_name, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0, dpi=dpi) # Save some memory # del fig if mask is not None: if output_name_zoom is not None: # Create a bounding box and save zoomed image imslice, maskslice = bbox_2D(imslice, maskslice, padding=[20, 20]) imsize = [float(imslice.shape[0]), float(imslice.shape[1])] # NOTE: As these zoomed images get small, we double the spacing spacing = spacing * zoomfactor figsize = (imsize[0]*spacing[0]/100.0, imsize[1]*spacing[1]/100.0) fig = plot_im_and_overlay(imslice, maskslice, figsize=figsize, alpha=alpha) fig.savefig(output_name_zoom, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0, dpi=dpi) plt.close('all') # Save some memory del fig, image, mask return imslice, maskslice
[docs]def plot_im_and_overlay(image, mask=None, figsize=(3, 3), alpha=0.40, color='cyan', colormap='gray', colorbar=False): """Plot an image in a matplotlib figure and overlay with a mask.""" # Define colormap validmaps = ['gray', 'turbo', 'jet'] if colormap not in validmaps: raise ae.WORCKeyError(f'Colormap {colormap} is not valid. Should be one of {validmaps}.') # Create a normalized colormap for the image and mask imin = np.min(image) imax = np.max(image) norm_im = colors.Normalize(vmin=imin, vmax=imax, clip=False) cmap = plt.get_cmap("Blues") cmap.set_under(color="white", alpha=0) cmap.set_over(color=color, alpha=1) normO = colors.Normalize(vmin=0.5, vmax=0.75, clip=False) # Plot and save the full image fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) mappable = ax.imshow(image, cmap=colormap, norm=norm_im, interpolation="bilinear") if mask is not None: ax.imshow(mask, cmap=cmap, norm=normO, alpha=alpha, interpolation="bilinear") # Add colorbar if colorbar: fig.colorbar(mappable) # Alter aspect ratio according to figure size aspect = figsize[0]/figsize[1] ax.set_aspect(aspect) # Set locator to zero to make sure padding is removed upon saving ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(NullLocator()) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(NullLocator()) # Turn axis grid of ax.axis('off') return fig
[docs]def bbox_2D(img, mask, padding=[1, 1], img2=None): rows = np.any(mask, axis=1) cols = np.any(mask, axis=0) rmin, rmax = np.where(rows)[0][[0, -1]] cmin, cmax = np.where(cols)[0][[0, -1]] # print rmin, rmax, cmin, cmax rmin = max(0, rmin - padding[0]) rmax = min(img.shape[0], rmax+padding[0]+1) cmin = max(0, cmin - padding[1]) cmax = min(img.shape[1], cmax+padding[1]+1) img = img[rmin:rmax, cmin:cmax] mask = mask[rmin:rmax, cmin:cmax] if img2 is None: return img, mask else: img2 = img2[rmin:rmax, cmin:cmax] return img, mask, img2