Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python

# Copyright 2016-2022 Biomedical Imaging Group Rotterdam, Departments of
# Medical Informatics and Radiology, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import numpy as np
import configparser
import SimpleITK as sitk
from WORC.addexceptions import WORCKeyError, WORCValueError
from WORC.processing.label_processing import findlabeldata

quantitative_modalities = ['CT', 'PET', 'Thermography', 'ADC', 'MG']
qualitative_modalities = ['MRI', 'MR', 'DWI', 'US']
all_modalities = quantitative_modalities + qualitative_modalities

[docs]class Fingerprinter(object): """Fingerprinting object for WORC configuration."""
[docs] def __init__(self): """Initialize object.""" self.images = None self.segmentations = None self.features = None self.labels = None self.configuration = None self.type = None
[docs] def execute(self): """Determine fingerprint of dataset. Parameters ---------- worcobject: WORC object WORC object to fingerprint """ # Read the config file config = configparser.ConfigParser() if self.type == 'classification': # Check class balance label_type = config['Labels']['label_names'] if len(label_type) != 1: # multiclass pass pass else: if self.images: label_data, objects_out =\ findlabeldata(patientinfo=self.labels, label_type=label_type, filenames=self.images) elif self.features: label_data, objects_out =\ findlabeldata(patientinfo=self.labels, label_type=label_type, filenames=self.features) else: raise WORCValueError('Either need images or features for classification fingerprinting, neither provided.') labels = label_data['label'][0].tolist() if len(np.unique(labels)) == 2: # Binary classification, check class balance total = float(len(labels)) positives = float(np.sum(labels)) negatives = total - positives print(positives, negatives, positives/total, negatives/total) if negatives/total > 0.60 or positives/total > 0.60: # Class imbalance, keep resampling print('Class imbalance, keep default Resampling usage of 0.20.') config['Resampling']['Use'] = '0.20' else: # No class imbalance, turn resampling off print('No class imbalance, setting Resampling usage to 0.0.') config['Resampling']['Use'] = '0.00' elif self.type == 'images': # Determine modality modality = config['ImageFeatures']['image_type'] if modality in qualitative_modalities: # Apply image normalization and use fixed bin count print('Qualitative modality: Apply image normalization and use fixed bin count.') config['Preprocessing']['Normalize'] = 'True' config['PyRadiomics']['binCount'] = config['ImageFeatures']['GLCM_levels'] config['PyRadiomics']['binWidth'] = 'None' elif modality in quantitative_modalities: # Apply no image normalization and use fixed bin width print('Quantitative modality: Apply no image normalization and use fixed bin width.') config['Preprocessing']['Normalize'] = 'False' config['PyRadiomics']['binCount'] = 'None' config['PyRadiomics']['binWidth'] = '25' # Default of PyRadiomics else: raise WORCKeyError(f'{modality} is not a known modality, should be one of {all_modalities}.') # Determine if we are dealing with 2D, 2.5D, or 3D images and segmentations spacings_x = list() spacings_y = list() spacings_z = list() max_num_images = int(config['Fingerprinting']['max_num_image']) if len(self.images) > max_num_images: self.images = self.images[0:max_num_images] # FIXME if self.segmentations is not None: print('FIXME: segmentations is None') self.segmentations = self.segmentations[0:max_num_images] for imagefile in self.images: image = sitk.ReadImage(imagefile) spacings_x.append(image.GetSpacing()[0]) spacings_y.append(image.GetSpacing()[1]) spacings_z.append(image.GetSpacing()[2]) mean_spacings = [np.mean(spacings_x), np.mean(spacings_y), np.mean(spacings_z)] # Assume x and y spacing are the same, so we just compare x with z if mean_spacings[2] > 2.0*mean_spacings[0]: # 2.5D images, use standard feature extraction print(f'Mean spacing {mean_spacings}, thus 2.5D images, use standard feature extraction.') config['ImageFeatures']['extraction_mode'] = '2.5D' pass else: # 3D images, thus compute 3D shape features print(f'Mean spacing {mean_spacings}, thus 3D images, use 3D feature extraction.') config['ImageFeatures']['extraction_mode'] = '3D' # We keep all the default 2.5D features, as most of them are only defined in 2D config['ImageFeatures']['texture_Gabor'] = 'True' config['ImageFeatures']['texture_LBP'] = 'True' config['ImageFeatures']['texture_GLCM'] = 'True' config['ImageFeatures']['texture_GLCMMS'] = 'True' config['ImageFeatures']['vessel'] = 'True' config['ImageFeatures']['log'] = 'True' config['ImageFeatures']['phase'] = 'True' # Check if segmentations are 2D or 3D # FIXME ugly solution if self.segmentations is not None: num_masked_slices_all = list() for segmentationfile in self.segmentations: segmentation = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(sitk.ReadImage(segmentationfile)) segmentation = segmentation.astype(np.bool) num_masked_slices = len(np.flatnonzero(np.any(segmentation, axis=(1, 2)))) num_masked_slices_all.append(num_masked_slices) if all(elem == 1 for elem in num_masked_slices_all): print('All masks only contain one slice, so turn of 3D features.') # NOTE: PREDICT will mostly switch itself between these features by looking at the masks config['ImageFeatures']['extraction_mode'] = '2D' config['ImageFeatures']['orientation'] = 'False' config['ImageFeatures']['texture_GLCMMS'] = 'False' # For PyRadiomics, only this parameter needs to be changed config['PyRadiomics']['force2D'] = 'True' else: raise WORCValueError(f'Type {type} is not valid for fingeprinting. Should be one of ["classification", "images"].') return config